SB Labs

Recent content by KodiakGrrl

  1. KodiakGrrl

    HCG during or after cycle

    if LH and FSH levels are low then during … if not … after …
  2. KodiakGrrl

    Leg day. If this doesn’t motivate you

    1/4 squats are official gym bro squats don’t laugh at them … they just think their knees are going to break when in fact the first thing to go on them is their back and they will fold like cheap drug store cotton
  3. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    this weeks training block is just an increase in the percentages … I am not looking at a deload for at least two to three weeks based on how well the weights are moving this week. my weight is up consistently to 197 over the last week … I don’t look like I am carrying any water weight in fact...
  4. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    depends on who you are I guess… so many more federations but the more popular ones are RPS , XPC, USPA, USAPL (drug tested) IPL and IPF APF is still around and if I am not mistaken that is where the USPA came from. … as for dieting things have changed … most do water loading and carb depletion...
  5. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    my typing and spelling skills leave a bit to be desired but hey, I am a power lifter !
  6. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    I really like it so far It seems to be far more stable than enanthate and I can’t beat the dosing … it takes all the guess work and error out of trying to draw a 1/4ml of test e…
  7. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    I have not and never will use tren
  8. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    mixing it u p a but here this fine monday morning … weights were pretty light but the volume always kills me weight is up consistently to 192 … so its not water… and this is my fifth week into the cycle so I am very pleased … I am switching my test over to test undecanoate for the duration @120...
  9. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    wrapping up the first week of the new block with secondary bench and a leg day … bench secondary Warm up- Band Y press 3x15 Push up Plus 3x10 Roll out lats and pecs Overhead press 4x8 Pause bench press 4x8x65% DB bench press 4x10 Chest supported row 4x15 Rear delt fly 3x15 Tricep movement of...
  10. KodiakGrrl

    Newbie (Minimalist-1st Cycle)

    I have never recommended clen to anyone other than in precomp conditions as I said above I have yet to see someone use it for weight loss and keep the fat off. clen also does not distinguish between fat or muscle so to me it’s a loser as a compound again unless it is used precomp. As far as...
  11. KodiakGrrl

    Newbie (Minimalist-1st Cycle)

    with your wifes stats and bf that high she isn’t going to see what I am thinking she wants to see from an anavar cycle. because it is a compound created for muscle wasting disease she’s going to see added thickness literally everywhere … that includes her waist and thighs … all the places I am...
  12. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    bench Warm up- Wall slides 3x10 Thoracic rotations 3x10 each IYT’s 3x8 each Wide grip bench press 3x10x62.5% Close grip bench press 3x10x55% Seated DB overhead press 4x10 Lat pull downs 4x12 Triceps extension 4x12 Overhead tricep extension 3x15 Wheel rollouts 3x10 -wasted my arms today but I am...
  13. KodiakGrrl

    New guy saying hello

    hello! welcome !
  14. KodiakGrrl

    A day in the life of a Grrl

    this is the beginning of a new block things are about to get a bit crazy … squat/light pull Warm up- Dead bug3x20 Rolling plank 3x20 Calf raise 3x20 Squat 4x8x60% Front squat 3x6x65% Leg press or belt squat 3x10 SSB good morning 4x12 side plank 2x30 seconds (Top leg abducted) this my friends...