SB Labs

A day in the life of a Grrl

this weeks deload schedule… I get done so fast I feel like I am slacking or something …

Deload week
Day 1 - squat
Warm up-
Rolling plank 3x20
Adductor dips 3x10
Single leg RDL 3x10
Squat 2x7x65%
DB split squat 2x12
RDL 2x12
Cable or band pull through 2x20
Wheel rollout 2x12

Day 2 - bench
Warm up-
Thoracic rotations 3x10
Band pull apart 3x15
Prone Y raise 3x10​

Paused bench 2x8x65%
(Comp pause)
Close grip Spoto press 2x8x60%
Dips 2x10
Pull ups 2x6
rolling tricep extension 3x15
Wheel rollouts 3x10
Day 3 - deadlift
Warm up-
Rolling planks 3x20
Bird dog with side reach out 3x20
Side plank clamshell raise up 3x10​

Front squat 2x3x55%
Deadlift - 3x3x70%
Snatch grip deadlift 2x6x55%
T-bar rows 4x12
DB pull over 3x15

Day 4 - bench secondary
Warm up-
IYT’S 3x10
DB cuban press 3x10​

Floor press 2x7x65%
Larsen press 2x6x60%
Meadows 6 way shoulders 3x10
Seal rows 4x12
Bench dips 2x20
Wheel rollout 3x10

Day 5 - accessory day
Warm up
Bird dog 3x20
Dead bug 3x20
Face pulls 3x20​

high bar pause squat 2x6x55%
DB shoulder press 3x10
Inverted rows 3x15
Farmers walks 4x50ft
Side plank 3x30 seconds

I ve got next weeks programming already and it is going to kick my ass…
this is the beginning of a new block things are about to get a bit crazy …

squat/light pull

Warm up-
Dead bug3x20
Rolling plank 3x20
Calf raise 3x20​

Squat 4x8x60%
Front squat 3x6x65%
Leg press or belt squat 3x10
SSB good morning 4x12
side plank 2x30 seconds
(Top leg abducted)

this my friends was a WHOLE lotta cardio… took me two hours to get through it all. the good news is that the gear is kicking in and nothing felt heavy … well, I admit that after the squats I couldn’t feel my legs and so felt absolutely nothing during front squats at all… I am going to be very sore tomorrow …

weighed in at 191.4 this morning still haven’t changed macros since the last movement up on the carbs … think I am going to keep it here and see what happens
Warm up-
Wall slides 3x10
Thoracic rotations 3x10 each
IYT’s 3x8 each
Wide grip bench press 3x10x62.5%
Close grip bench press 3x10x55%
Seated DB overhead press 4x10
Lat pull downs 4x12
Triceps extension 4x12
Overhead tricep extension 3x15
Wheel rollouts 3x10

-wasted my arms today but I am really pleased … I was able to wide grip using my comp bench percentages without any issues … I ll be interested to see if I can keep that going through the entire block

deadlift/light squat

Warm up-
Rolling planks 3x20
Bird dog 3x20
Hip airplanes 3x10
Leg curls 3x10
Deadlift 4x7x65%
Block pulls 4x6x60%
Split squat 3x12
Calf raises 2x20

doesn’t look like much on paper but man are my legs on fire. I definitely wanted to pass out on the platform …

I weighed in at 190.4 but the guys at the gym are asking me if I ve lost more weight. My thighs are thicker so I was actually thinking I ve put on some poundage. Its not like I have had a thigh gap in the last twenty years or so but even I noticed more rub… oh well such is life

I am super happy with the cycle so far the goal is to just keep it moving and see where it takes me
wrapping up the first week of the new block with secondary bench and a leg day …

bench secondary
Warm up-
Band Y press 3x15
Push up Plus 3x10
Roll out lats and pecs
Overhead press 4x8
Pause bench press 4x8x65%
DB bench press 4x10
Chest supported row 4x15
Rear delt fly 3x15
Tricep movement of choice 5x12
Side plank 3x30 seconds

accessory day

Warm up
Rolling planks 3x20
Hip drops 3x10
Wall sit 3x30 seconds
SSB squat 5x4x65%
Sumo RDL 3x10
Incline DB bench press 4x8
1 arm rows 4x12
IYT’S 3x10 each
Overhead tricep extension 4x15

this block seems to be aimed at hitting the triceps pretty hard … I guess mine work 😉
mixing it u p a but here this fine monday morning … weights were pretty light but the volume always kills me

weight is up consistently to 192 … so its not water… and this is my fifth week into the cycle so I am very pleased … I am switching my test over to test undecanoate for the duration @120 ml per week and I am leaving the EQ alone at 400ml a week

squat/light pull

Warm up-

Dead bug3x20

Rolling plank 3x20

Calf raise 3x20
Squat 3x6x65%, 2x4x70%
Front squat 3x5x70% hit a pr here at 160 … these get worked in the program maybe twice a year … last time I saw them was January …
Leg press or belt squat 3x10
SSB good morning 4x12
Side plank 2x30 seconds

(Top leg abducted)
120ml of test! 400ml of EQ! 🤓 I have nothing better to add, then to proofread your post! On a more serious note, you really seem to have the training, cycle, etc. On point. I have to try to look up half the exercises, I was PL for a good chunk of my first 10 years training. There seems to be so much more “accessory” work.
I really like it so far It seems to be far more stable than enanthate and I can’t beat the dosing … it takes all the guess work and error out of trying to draw a 1/4ml of test e…
I wish I would of stayed a PL. So much more fun and comraderie. I’ve started literally a hundred posts and after a half hour of writing so much worse than I speak, I erase them all! I have a question…when I was PL there was USPF only, then ADFPA and W
E(IL. Guys and gals) pretty much started the APF. Of course IPF was around too. I dieted like a wrestler 1 week-2 tops, dropping 10 lbs in days sometimes, using whatever to lose water and surprisingly being able to replace enough to not really lose much if any strength especially if your at a higher weight and have the whole meet to replenish. How is it done now?
depends on who you are I guess… so many more federations but the more popular ones are RPS , XPC, USPA, USAPL (drug tested) IPL and IPF APF is still around and if I am not mistaken that is where the USPA came from. …
as for dieting things have changed … most do water loading and carb depletion coming into the weigh ins and put a bunch back on in the 24 hours after… I don’t really have to worry about it I can go in SHW on the lighter end or 181’s on the heavier side … some still eat whatever but there has been a big movement towards eating better nutritionally to fuel training… since I came in from body building and cross fit I never had the stuff myself silly mentality even though my weight has fluctuated from 240 down to 185 I carry it well on a frame meant for power lifting I wouldn’t trade the camaraderie for anything