SB Labs

Recent content by LowT

  1. LowT

    How long will Insulin last

    Call me crazy but I stick to what my doc, pharmacist and manufacturer recommends.
  2. LowT

    How long will Insulin last

    Hold on… someone is injecting cold slin? It’s useless and possibly dangerous. Don’t mess around like that. Use at room temp and it’s only good for 28 days. No way around it, being diabetic is somewhat expensive. Not only the meds but proper diet hits the wallet as well. Maybe time to get rid of...
  3. LowT

    First time getting my feet wet working on getting on stage

    Looking good. Welcome to UGMuscle.
  4. LowT

    Hello, I’m new here at UGmuscle

    Welcome to UGMuscle
  5. LowT

    Introduction and some pct guidance

    Welcome to UGMuscle. I prefer M-W-F injections of Sust.
  6. LowT

    Chucksmooth introduction

    Welcome to UGMuscle
  7. LowT

    How long will Insulin last

    All slin lasts only 28 days at room temperature. Nothing will happen to cat or human if used past 28 days. Believe me, I’ve done it by accident. That’s a crazy price to pay…
  8. LowT

    LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

    Good evening UGMuscle!! Let’s get this log back on track. 4:15am: Egg Protein shake with 32oz water, 5gm Creatine, multivitamin, 500mgs Vit C, 5iu Humalog, 250mgs Sust, 200mgs Deca. Espresso and 16oz coffee. 5am: 6 eggs over easy, 1 1/2 cups oats, 3 slices Whole Wheat toast, 16oz milk. 7:15am: 3...
  9. LowT

    LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

    Ok… today was scheduled day off and it couldn’t have come at a better time! Had a couple gf’s in (surprise, they were in for work, too) from Cbus and they are now heading back home. I’m tired as hell but muscles are full as hell!! Laid off the carbs, too. Early, early night for me. Log back on...
  10. LowT

    LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

    Same pic, my man. I’m out fuckin around right now with some female friends. I’ll post “clearer” pics later. Love Salt Life!!
  11. LowT

    LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

    Good morning!! Feeling good today, fellas. After yesterday’s workout I’m pumped as a MF! Feels so damn good. Had a real nice workout yesterday. Here it is: Friday, 1-24 Delts/Tri’s/Bi’s Stretch as usual. And when I do this workout, I do a little more rotator warm ups than usual. Thanksgiving...
  12. LowT

    LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

    Thank you @McSwickles
  13. LowT

    LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

    Yeah, but what are you eating this morning? I’ve had my usual so far this morning and then decided on this. Hamburger for lunch then onto gym. Will update today’s delt/tri’s/bi’s and diet later. Good Friday, everyone. Feel free to post your food pics. I need to stay hungry and might get some...
  14. LowT

    LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

    Peter Pan.
  15. LowT

    LowT Sponsored Log at ugmuscle

    Haha…hell yeah. Peanut butter one of my biggest weaknesses. Wish you wouldn’t of mentioned it…haha…