SB Labs

Chucksmooth introduction

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Hello everyone,
I’ve been on some other Well known boards over the years but never spend too much time as after a while it tends to be regurgitated stuff over and over so I felt a break was due.

I’ve been competing since 2008 - 2016 on the east coast but had to step away from the stage for personal reasons but I still maintain a rigid diet and training schedule.

I’m very big on nutrition and work with a handful of people but at my discretion as I find it frustrating to find serious clients nowadays.

I have a good deal of experience with competing, drugs, training and also some rehab for more serious injuries.

Just getting my feet wet here and checking out the site to see where I can offer my advice and possibly learn something new (as we don’t know everything regardless of our time in this sport/industry.)

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Welcome, again I read your post to quick,and responded even quicker, despite how I came off, it is a great place here.
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