SB Labs

First time getting my feet wet working on getting on stage

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Well-known member
The time has finally came. I’ve been debating to compete for years but I guess I never decided to pull the trigger because I didn’t feel “ready”. I came to terms that there was never going to be a right time. I’m 7.5 weeks out
Might end up doing men’s physique along with bodybuilding middleweight.
Currently at 175.7 lbs
Strictly been using @SymBiotecLab gear
I’m on
400mgs test cyp
300mgs primo e
50 Anavar
Compounds will switch getting closer to the show.



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I didn’t know that you were hitting the stage hell yeah looking good man I wish you nothing but the best and I know that you have what it takes to push forward.
Great decision going after your goal and not putting it off.
If you want to achieve something or chase a dream there’s no better time than right now.

Good luck bro and I wish you the best!
Yeah I wanted to post about it, only if knew I was going in all the way! I’ll be more active these upcoming weeks and let you guys know about my first time!
thanks a lot man! Just seeing a lot other people post about accomplishments, motivated me! Including you, with your fights! Good luck to you man
Looking good. On rear relaxed spread ur lats and get wide. Your hiding your width and detail
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