Afternoon all.Did a light leg workout at gym at 0400,couldn't sleep,and gyms open 24/7 plus I walk there and I love walking in the dark,like I'm doing some sneaky special ops shit,which in turn brings me back to iraq,the good ol days.Ok shut the fuck up John stay focused....
Breakfast was...
Hi all.should be working,but my dad and I got into a argument last night about the job so I told him to piss off,amongst other things we told each other.
I lost my cool,and now I'm regretting it cause I need the money.we hardly ever argue. I started to do legs this morning,but couldn't get...
What the fuck,fuck trump how much are his cuts for VA workers,their already understaffed, and under paid,hat's all I know for Trump so far so fuck him.
Hi all.Breakfast was sesame bagel,lightly toasted,homade strawberry creamcheese,4 turkey sausage,Animal protein shake with 2 raw eggs,bananna,water. Then I pinned a ml pwo 50mg tne/50mg dbol,waited over a hour then I did tris,kick backs and pull downs.lunch was leftover chic parm,and a salad.1st...
Might as well go all out,and freeze a dozen pieces,I guess to most of you it's called food prep,I don't really do it,I don't want to conform to you meatheads.
Fuck it no gym today..some of my family is coming today later on,I'm doing chicken parm,gotta feed 8,and that's not even half of my immediate family that's coming,but I enjoy cooking.
I just cheated,had 1 egg over easy,1 piece of whole grain toast,loaded with pepper...I had to exercise a fair amount of self control to not eat 3x that amount of bread n eggs.
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