SB Labs


  1. zombiegirl2010

    BPC-157 vial prep help

    I’ve never used any peptides before and have BPC-157 sitting on my bathroom counter, and I’ll have my BAC water tomorrow. I understand that I inject the BAC into the vial containing the BPC (I’m assuming 5ML since it appears to be a 5ML vial) and just let it sit? I also understand that peptides...
  2. Bigmurph6

    Information related to IGF-1 LR3, IGF-1 des

    I wanted to post some information about IGF-1 LR3 and IGF-1 DES. We now have a 2 sponsors carrying the compound and by itself or even better stacked with HGH is a powerful anabolic compound. There are two different forms. You have LR3 which is a longer lasting version and then you have DES which...