
  1. O

    Dutch Pharma Coming through deSpite the problems

    Regardless of multiply set backs they came through.will try products and rate on that later.
  2. TBU

    So do I get a negative rating?

    I guess I set the world on fire today. 😂 hope I don’t get any demerits for my question. 😂😂😂 come on man. I came here for the “no question is a stupid question” you don’t like it. Just scroll on and ignore it. Hope you all have a great day. Life is too short to be pissed off about things. Every...
  3. Bigmurph6

    Dragon Pharma Primobolan 200mg/ml Steriodify rating I used multiple versions of primobolan and the Dragon Pharma 200mg/ml that I used had a real bite to it and it wasn’t my favorite but it is real the roidtest proved that and it was Excellently dosed above 200mg/ml on Anabolic lab. 400mg can really...
  4. TBU

    Product received from GearChurch

    Just a quick post about Gear Church. Quick response. Once payment was received (you have several choices) my product only took 3 days to arrive. Well packaged. No leaks. Bottle evenly filled. Tabs pressed and formed nicely. I tried the Cialis already and it’s no joke. I usually don’t use Cialis...
  5. Bigmurph6

    Contest for Reviews in August -Updated with rules

    So me and @TrenGod decided that we wanted to have a giveaway in August. We have done many different things in the past but were going to try something new. August will be a month to review. 😎😉 We will release the exact rules and prizes very soon. I wanted to say thanks to all our members and...
  6. Stratfordave

    Hupharma first order

    So in the process of getting off my GH regimen, and into a maintenance phase with Semorelin… 350 mcgs per day…which I’ve done several times before …6 month split. @hupharma stealth shipping is like nothing I’ve ever seen before…without compromising the fidelity of their practice, it took me a...

    ROIDTEST™ Presents: Top 5 Harm-Reduction Tips

    Do Your Research Clearly, you are on the right path by visiting Anabolic. The information found on this site is taken, in part, from the 10th edition of William Llewellyn’s acclaimed reference guide ANABOLICS. Unlike many authors who cover the topic of steroids, Llewellyn and his staff here are...

    Is That Really (Insert Steroid Name)?

    About a year and a half ago, Public Health Wales (the WEDINOS project) released a report on the state of the black market. They had collected hundreds of steroid samples from the public and sent them into the lab. Their analysis was qualitative only. No dosages were determined; they just looked...
  9. Kad1

    Shout out to SRX labs

    Just placed my first order with SRX. Have to say I’m very impressed. Great customer service, incredibly fast shipping. I even overpaid by a few bucks and they threw in some extra product. So far 10/10. @SRx
  10. Trendog25

    1st SRX Labs order experience

    1st order went very well with SRX Labs. Products ordered were sust 250, EQ 300 and Masteron Prop. Packaging was good. Delivery time was good. Communication was excellent and customer service was GREAT. Thank you SRX
  11. Bigmurph6

    Banned cycle log 1st cycle of the year

    So I have finally healed to the point where I can start my cycle. I have been doing maintenance training just trying to keep things going and not let things fall off completely. I am now working out full force except I still and will always have to lift lighter and more reps because of my...
  12. Bigmurph6

    (EO) Ethyl Oleate good or bad, Miglyol 840 better than other carrier oils?

    Products made with EO are ok Products made with EO are not ok Products made with miglyol 840 are better than products made with EO Products made with miglyol 840 or EO it doesn’t matter in my choice of what I choose to use. 0 voters REMEMBER YOU CAN CHOOSE MORE THAN JUST ONE VOTE SO YOU CAN...
  13. N8GainTrain

    Medlabgear continues to impress

    Contacted on Friday to place an order for 25g × 1inch (BD Precision Glide) within 10 minutes of placing my order the rep got back to me to let me know that particular brand and size was on back order and would be happy to replace with a different but equal quality brand and some...
  14. P REVIEW

    Once again kodiakqueen comes through flawlessly. Any time there was a glitch with Kodiakqueen it was because I didn’t follow directions and the problem was easily solved. Best source around. Got to give credit where credit is due. The best domestic source there is!
  15. iosornio1

    Peptide Chemicals Review

    So, I am currently running testosterone propionate by itself, to be honest I wasn’t trying to be on cycle but I started Keto diet and started loosing tremendous amount of weight, so I decided to add some testosterone just to keep my muscles lol excuses right. Anyways, even tho’ propionate won’t...
  16. ESmetalhead

    My blood work with Gear2Go

    I was taking a TRT dose of 75 mg 2x a week the blood work indicates that it could be overdosed Gear2Go TandE695×280 122 KB
  17. Review

    JuiceRoad aka Review - Fake - Scam

    ##Website or Contact Info: Technical Info From site owners ##Rate Bad - Shitty Source Below Average Average Above Average Excellent 0 voters
  18. Bigmurph6

    Reviews for verified sponsors

    This category should be used to review any verified sponsor that is part of UGM. If you have access to the dedicated sponsor categories please post your reviews there. I’m creating a template for reviews. Please follow the template so that our reviews can be more uniform and give the whole...