SB Labs


  1. A

    Tren E roidtest question

    Only positive was it was the tren yellowish color. Did a roid test and it looks like its tren ace. its definitely tren because roid test d was definitely purple but im struggling with whether its ace or ent. tren ace 100mg and tren e 200mg. Would the semi-quantaticve roid test work? it says its...
  2. Dmomuchole

    Video on "Trenbolone the Monster Steroid - Doctor's Analysis of TREN

    Good video on Trenbolone and it’s ester’s, side effects, pros and cons ect. Check it out!!✌️
  3. Dmomuchole

    In depth and informative article on TREN

    This is a great article for people thinking about taking TREN and incorporating it into their cycles,there are also suggestions on a proper PCT and this is very important. It even includes info on how to avoid TREN cough. Read it take what you want leave the rest. (I did not write this)...
  4. TBU

    New level of aggression

    Well I’ve decided a couple weeks ago to jump up to 50mg of TrenA a day with my 750mg of test run. Well boys. I took my attitude a little to hard. 😂. Fucking fighting with everyone. I can’t stop. Just try and figure out how I can beat mother fuckers without going to jail right now. I think I got...
  5. T

    My introduction and goals

    Hello to everyone, my name is Tyler. I’m a 27 year old grad student who has been lifting since High School. Although I have always maintained some sort of presence in the gym, over the last three years I began to cycle. After running anadrol 50 and test, I saw my strength gains explode like...
  6. SemperFi

    Caloric Deficit and Lean Mass Gain

    Can a person gain lean muscle mass in a caloric deficit? Please share your opinions and experiences.