2021 Goals, plans and ambitions

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I wasn’t either. To be clear. I was simply adding my experience with the 1-2 beer sub population of people.

Re-reading it sounds like I was coming off differently.
Thank you Bigmurph. When you say high Test, you mean 500 or so? You think its ok to do a 500 mg test only blast while cutting and save the other stuff for after I drop down a bit? EDIT that way I will be ready in a few months. So I do suffer from hair loss, but at my age, it is what it is. I use rogain and will try to keep what I can, but my genetics are what they are. Acne bugs me a bit, but same thing. I will use a scrub brush and witch hazel to mitigate. I am really going to focus on diet first, and any gear as a bonus.
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DarthSocrates said:
Will you email me your favorite lab for Primo?
Asking this is against the rules if worded differently would be fine you have to remember that the laws of your country still apply on the internet.

See all you have to do is use the magnifying 🔎 glass and it actually searches our site ugmuscle for all the information instead of Google like other forums each a much better way to find

It is the best primo I have used and I have used all of them that are worth using check it out its usually 30% off and there testosterone is also top notch and priced great. I have used the test cyp, test enanthate, primo or prominate, test prop, sustanon. Its a good lab and the amps are quality which means alot to me plus the oil is the best in my opinion. There are multiple sponsors that we have who offer primo I just would stay away from the Bayer rhimobolan the chance of getting real amps in the amount you will need is extremely slim I couldn’t even get real rhimobolan unless I traveled to a certain country.
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Hey let me prep you for what’s coming. We don’t ask for sources. We’re not a marketplace. There’s like 25 posts about not asking murph specifically for where to get things.

I would edit your post. And quickly. Then go back read the rules real quick and then jump back in.

We all have to do our own research because of the fact that were not a market place and no one here will help anyone else find anything just for safety and security.
Written by @Bigmurph
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I had to edit your post because you received a flag for asking where to get a compound. No one is allowed to help you find a compound but you can email or even just go to the sponsors websites and see what you can find.
Wby did you erase your post?
It was harsh but the truth I actually appreciate it because were trying to help newer guys figure out how to post.
You did the right thing and I agreed with your flag 100%
@DarthSocrates the reason which I already posted was because you asked for help finding a compound that’s against the rules and the law in most places so that’s why we needed to flag the post.
Moving forward everyone knows now and thanks @NeuroRN I feel you becoming a mod soon. We will talk soon about it
@NeuroRN do you mind if I un delete your post?
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Go for it brother.

I didn’t want to beat a dead horse. I felt like you addressed the issue, and I had already come down a little hard on him a little bit ago.

Un-delete to your hearts desire!

And I’d be happy to talk about it!
I really appreciate you understanding brother some just don’t get it and those are the people we don’t want around a good guy like you brother are always welcome at our community.
Everyone makes mistakes even the oldest members lol
I still make mistakes. I made plenty starting out. It’s all about attitude! Thanks for being understanding and wanting to make it right!
I just wanted to un delete it because I added to it but I also liked that you flagged the post and I want others to flag posts also and after flagging a post just let the mods explain why the person was flagged and which rules were broken.
Im trying to go this route to see if it works better to have everyone enforcing the rules but the mods helping whoever got flagged understand why and what happened.
You might be a mod soon and we would then talk about how everything is going right now.
Just curious how do you feel about being a mod?
I think that system would be well received. That’s usually what I’ve tried to do in the past, I hadn’t refreshed to see you had responded and was trying to help our new bro out!

I would be absolutely honored. I legit mean it when I say I want to do my part to pay it forward to UGM and our members. Anytime you wanna talk about it, I’m ready to talk!
Hey brother I love your humbleness. That goes along ways here and will allow UGM to guide you to your goals and keep you safe. When I first started here my expectations were very unrealistic and the tough love came raining down mostly cause I was being stubborn at first. There are those guys that get defensive and proud and act like assholes when folks are trying to help them. They don’t last long. And that’s definitely not you. Love your attitude bro keep it up!!!
I believe that it might be time I will speak with him asap and see what happens its crazy busy today I might not get to it quickly.
You keep it up also show me that you know and understand the rules and you could possibly be a mod I have multiple members in mind honestly that’s why I would like to just have everyone moderate by flagging and then just letting staff deal with the flags
Its a mistake I don’t believe in any way that you meant it maliciously.
This is just our protocol of how we handle things normally we just don’t talk about it but honestly im hoping that everyone reads this so that they can also understand without having to do this to them so I really do appreciate your patience and understanding.
Also thanks for letting others also learn from this
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