2nd cycle thoughts “re-visited”


Well-known member
So my first cycle was 500mg of a Test E a week. Pretty standard. Then I posted about what to do for another and I decided on a Test and Proviron cycle (for bulk). At first I was thinking another 500mg a week run but then the thread about everyone’s Test sweet spot popped up and it made me think that less is more. Especially because at week 7 my Estro was 143 if I remember correctly. So what are the thoughts on maybe doing 300-350 a week instead along with the Proviron? Less Test equals less side effects right? I believe someone even said, lower test base and let the other substances do the work. Or does that not apply in my case?
I’m an advocate of get by on the least amount you can.

Beings that was your first cycle you have a good gauge to base future decisions off of.

I personally like the idea of lowering test and adding prov.

With high dosages of anything there is a point of diminishing returns.
Heyyyyy! Welcome to the less is more tribe. We’re glad to have you.

500mg is a standard first cycle for several reasons. But learning how your body reacts is a major one.

That estro is super high.

350 a week with proviron will still provide you with great gains…. SO LONG AS your diet and training is in check.

I usually only run 350mg a week of test. I’m 6’1 240. Go check out my log for pictures. I think I’m going okay on my progress.

I support this 100%.
I think it’s fine going lower doses as long as your expectations are in line. I personally like 500mg+ of test, but I have my estrogen management in place for for myself.

A lot of this is experimentation for your self. We all respond different. I say try out the low dose test and proviron, and see if you like it
This is true also I’m never said less is more I just more of others on this cycle to test is low
I agree with @John

I didn’t notice your “bulk” in the original post.

You’ll pack on some weight if you consume enough calories. But you won’t pack on 50 lbs.

slow and steady will pack on “good” quality mass that will be easy to retain.

Lots of folks “bulk” and end up looking mushy and soft (there’s been articles and papers written about it) . Now if you’re squatting 1000 and bench pressing 800… different story.
Poppy said:
Lots of folks “bulk” and end up looking mushy and soft
😂😂😂 I agree with this. Folks are like I’m putting on so much mass and their arms look like a sausage. No definition what so ever. Don’t bulk like that or act like that’s good clean mass.

We can’t all put on mass like @Dirtnasty and keep clean peaks.

Either way. Putting on mass is all about diet. Plus with the lower test, if your estro was that high, you probably won’t look mushy and soft.
Run less longer versus more shorter has worked at keeping my bills lean. I started at
6’ 2” 180 lean (was runner) with not mass at all. Did a couple low and longer runs and got up to 220 slow and steady, without loosing my abs, etc.
Just wanted to revisit this real quick and ask if it’s ok to run the Proviron for the two weeks in between my last pin and PCT or no? Just trying to figure out how much I need
My thoughts are no Proviron during PCT. Maybe if you had no clomid or nolva then maybe but even then I probably wouldn’t. I just read an article about Mesterolone and why people use it during a PCT and it kind of makes sense. But IMO I believe it would just slow your natural start up. Curious to see what others thoughts are on this