4th Cycle Log: 400 TrenA 500TestP 12wk - look over


US Army Vet
Evening guys. 36 year old male, currently 242 at 5’9. Background in powerlifting my entire lift but been trying to change it up. Three cycles in, 2 just 500mg TestE, last was TrenA 300mg and 400 TestE for 12 weeks. Currently on TRT. I planned on starting first week of June. Posted more of a bio on general tab.

Cycle; 400mg of TrenA. 500mg of TestP. Push Thinking of pushing Test a week before and after the 12 weeks of Tren for a total of 14 weeks.

PCT; currently on TRT so I was just going to push the usual 200mg of TestC after the last week.

Blood; getting blood labs drawn this week, and donating this Friday to keep my levels in check, gets a little thick on TRT. I’ll do them again 6wks in and after 14th week.

Supplements; multi, fish oil, Taurine for back pumps, creatine, non-stim PRE, I have some Arimidex on hand in case and tamoxifen.

HGH; . 4iu split 2/2 a day and ramping up 5 then 6 each month then dropping back to 2 post cycle.

Diet; planned on eating about 300g of protein a day and 350g of carbs. Go from there.

Just looking for once overs and suggestions. From the picture I was not in the best shape but looking good now. If like the same results and to thicken up. I’m hoping I’ll just lean out with a clean diet while keeping protein high.
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Sounds like you have a solid plan brother your diet has to match your goals and your training and compounds will get you there the hgh I personally would run 5 days a week especially if you’re going heavy unless you are still competing. It can help with side effects give you a break plus save you on some iu’s.
Meat said:
Diet; planned on eating about 300g of protein a day and 350g of carbs. Go from there.
I like this but if I were you I would shoot higher on protein pack it down I saw you say eat big to get big definitely if you can get your protein and carbs within the calorie range you’re going for because you said you want a lean bulk so watch out it doesn’t become a dirty bulk.
Meat said:
Blood; getting blood labs drawn this week, and donating this Friday to keep my levels in check, gets a little thick on TRT. I’ll do them again 6wks in and after 14th week.
Great were really big on Harm Reduction look forward to seeing your blood work.
Meat said:
Supplements; multi, fish oil, Taurine for back
So for supps brother if you’re going to take Taurine you should also definitely take Tudca they supposedly create UDCA an acid that will help with cholesterol levels and liver toxicity.

I believe that everything else looks good brother I look forward to seeing and hearing about your progress.
Bigmurph said:
Sounds like you have a solid plan brother your diet has to match your goals and your training and compounds will get you there the hgh I personally would run 5 days a week especially if you’re going heavy unless you are still competing. It can help with side effects give you a break plus save you on some iu’s.
Diet; planned on eating about 300g of protein a day and 350g of carbs. Go from there.
I like this but if I were you I would shoot higher on protein pack it down I saw you say eat big to get big definitely if you can get your protein and carbs within the calorie range you’re going for because you said you want a lean bulk so watch out it doesn’t become a dirty bulk.
Meat said:
Blood; getting blood labs drawn this week, and donating this Friday to keep my levels in check, gets a little thick on TRT. I’ll do them again 6wks in and after 14th week.
Great were really big on Harm Reduction look forward to seeing your blood work.
Meat said:
Supplements; multi, fish oil, Taurine for back
So for supps brother if you’re going to take Taurine you should also definitely take Tudca they supposedly create UDCA an acid that will help with cholesterol levels and liver toxicity.

I believe that everything else looks good brother I looks forward to seeing and hearing about your progress.
I wanted to be on HGH for 3 months before this but never pulled the trigger I wanted to ramp up 2-6. Then add it in with my TRT protocol of 200 TestC a week at 2iu a day for mon-fri.

My diet I can defiantly pump it up. Let me emphasize… I blend chicken rice and greens together like Blaine Sumner. I can’t just it, I get sick and tired. It’s my weakness, but I found his chicken shakes work for me. I’ll just make a few more. Had to add in some nuts and oils as it was getting to clean on the macros.

I’ll defiantly add in some Tudca and google it tonight for research.

I don’t compete anymore and I’m switching focuses from powerlifting to bodybuilding. It’s soooooo weird squatting for 10 plus reps.
Meat said:
some nuts and oils
Some good fats excellent idea brother
Meat said:
I blend chicken rice and greens together
Mostly the same in the past for me trying to keep diet cheap. If it works don’t fix it brother but if you’re looking to change it up get a slow cooker or a different way of cooking chicken to fit some taste in there for you so you don’t get sick and tired.

I definitely recommend Tudca if taking Taurine. Your research will show how it leads to UDCA a urcolic acid, bile really that will help cramps, cholesterol, liver detox. Its just dietary supplements so its rolling the dice but quality labs you should be good.

I can only imagine switching from powerlifting to bbing im personally just a gym rat its a whole different decipline
Sounds tiring I will still sit in 6-10 range squats and do higher reps on vsquats leg presses and what not for building
Wow. Nice transformation brother. You look like me when I started. Hope to look like the new you when I finish this next cycle. Keep up the good work brother
I need to clarify. Pic is before and after last cycle. Really hoping to dial it in starting Monday. I was thinking about keeping a detailed log, I always liked reading others. I’m use to doing intense training cycles with the military. Don’t know why it takes gear to make me be super serious 95% plus with everything. Sigh…
245 in the beginning pic I thought that you meant 245 in your end picture I was trying to figure out how im 230 5’10 so very close and I am no were near that lean. You look great in your lean picture brother I don’t want you to think that were saying that you don’t look peeled and amazing @Meat