A handful of questions on HGH

Only peptide I’ve considered or had interest was melanotan 2. But I’ve head it can increase risk of melanoma, and I thought the whole point was to get tan without increasing risk. I’m a tradesmen, father was too. He’s had to get multiple spots off his face and back removed over the years so yeah, worries about some of that
Historically, I was a big fan of GH secretagogues because they trigger the pituitary to produce more GH, causing the rest of the feedback loop to work as it should. Exogenous GH, of course, has no such feedback loop.

Recently, however, I found the GH secretagogues to be less effective, presumably because my pituitary ain’t what it used to be. So I started in on 4IU of HGH ED, 2IU in the morning and 2IU at night. And it has made a world of difference in my body comp. It DOES cause sleepiness when it hits late morning, but I can tolerate that. Have not run into the prolactin issue described by @NeuroRN, but in all candor, I’m one of those guys that takes a million years to finish no matter what, so absent a test, I’m not going to know if my prolactin is particularly high.
I’ve tried GH several times in my 20+ years and I honestly don’t think it’s worth the money. I’ve tried low dose anywhere from 2-4 units per day and as much as 6 per day for 9montjs. I literally didn’t see or feel any benefit from it. Several friends have all had the same experience with the exception of 1 friend who is legit IFBB pro. Try it for 6 months and decide for yourself.
I’ve commented on GH before regarding cost / benefit. I use it daily for anti aging soley at 2 ius… I have gone up to 3-5 for extended periods of time. You never see the results from GH you would compared to a solid low dose cycle coupled with high quality, planned foods and daily cardio! Spend $600 at Costco for a month of great foods and you’ll get more results!
I was always a high responder to the secretagogues. I could feel the energy and after a few weeks, see the difference in my skin and hair and decreased body fat. But nothing dramatic, even over time. I’ve been on my 4 ius of HGH for only a couple of weeks now, and I already notice more of a difference in myself than I ever did with the secretagogues. And for the first time in 17 years, my wife noticed that my midsection was thinner and more cut. With my physique, that’s a small miracle. Whether it will continue at this rate, I do not know, but for now, it’s great.
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I’ve read and re-read y’all’s comments/advice/experience. This site is a treasure trove of knowledge. The big thing I’ve noticed is not once have I heard “you need/should do this or that”…just “this is my experience” or “this could possibly happen”.

Much food for thought. You guys are the best.