Advice on upcoming busy season pls


Well-known member
As I’ve bitched to yall before work is tough. But when warm weather hits its go time at all costs so that gives me 4months and 2 weeks to get ready. My goals are to be in a condition that allows me to handle tons of stress, physical and mental. Almost every day will be 16hr avg. So after 20 yrs of it, I know to get ready. I use to just carb load some extra lbs on but as I’ve gotten older that doesn’t offset what it takes out of me. But it pays lol. So dont really know what compounds would help,or how to put a cycle together, but I’ve seen how smart yall are tho!
To be honest if your not going to be able to get your gym sessions in regularly and meals regularly I would go on a cruise at least till things slow down. Shit I’d bulk the hell up for the next 4 months or so like you said till it gets busy. I just got done my busy season at work but still somehow managed all my meals and gym sessions , so I think scheduling and time management are crucial if you still wanna cycle Durning your busy season
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What @Raphael3636 said for cycle. What @John said for cruising for well being. When I’m not on cycle I am on 300mg a week. That keeps me in the 1000-1100 range which is the top of test levels. I’ve done 200mg a week and I float around 750ish. That keeps me in a good state BUT I’m still eating and in the gym 5 days a week. I am not sure what would happen if I jumped to your schedule with no diet or lack of gym. Tough place to be in…
Yeah, I like the idea of doing a nice bulker for next 12-14 weeks. Plenty of Test will help with that.
This will give you time to come off properly and prepare for upcoming work schedule which I would think includes some rest beforehand. Then, you can solely concentrate on work, eating right, some light training and rest.
Those are some grueling hours. Props.
Test E I assume is 250mg/ml, so there fore you can go as high as 500mg a week pinned twice , I like Monday/Thursday protocol. Or if you plan on just run running trt dose of 250mg week pin 1/2 ml Monday and 1/2 mil Thursday. I would hold if in the Deca till you get your scheduling figured out, once you get settled down then I introduce.the Deca when you have a solid schedule
That’s very individual, I have no idea at what rate your body aromatizes. Start with maybe .5 twice a week. It’s more or less when you learn how your body responds , but for starting out I would def go with blood work brotha
The only reason I’d put off in the Deca is because you said your schedule will be crazy, and if your we eating correctly but aren’t able to get in the gym at least 4 days outta the week you might get bloated, I know when I run Deca alone with just test I turn into water buffalo, but that to is very individualistic, I mean I know guys that run Deca during a cut so you really gotta see what works for you , triAl and error phase. If this is your first time running AAS I would stick to test only, if your running 2 compounds and start getting sides your not gonna know whAt compound is causing it
Nah boss, looking back it’s my 3rd, 1st mature one, I’m prone to estrogen conversion. But my busy schedule will hit at the end of may. So I was thinking about bulking a little till then, plus isn’t deca good on joints
Oh yea man you can get a nice bulk going till May, what’s your Deca dosed at? I would run 500-750mg Test E and 400-600mg Deca. Safe stack to put on some quality size. For me personally at 500 test I can get away with 12.5mg Aromasin 3 x week. Once I pass that threshold of 750mg test I’m looking at a daily AI protocol. Also I’d recommend to have Prami or caber in hand if any prolactin sides arise. At 400 Deca you prolly won’t even need it if you keep estro in check, but better to be safe then sorry and have everything on hand
Arimidex should be enough? No caber or anything,? Keep in mind I’m not going pro lol,or even trying to impress. Just physical insulation for what farming takes out. Not trying to be annoying
I agree with @Raphael3636. I always keep caber on hand when running any 19 nor (Deca /NPP or Tren). As far as ai that is up to you and how your body aromatizes the estrogen. For me when on cycle I typically run 12.5 EOD of aromasin. This works for my body and keeps the estrogen down… and a good telling sign that your ester is high / is you start to notice puffy, itchy or scratchy nipples.