Advice on upcoming busy season pls

Some people love Deca / some people hate it but long story short is that everybody’s body reacts differently to compounds. When using multiple compounds you really need to know your body and listen to it. FYI: here is my cycle that I am on right now and I am loving it .
  • Test E - 600 weekly
  • Deca - 400 weekly
  • Dbol - 40 mg (PWO only)(running for 8weeks only)
  • Proviron - 50 mg ED
  • Aromasin 12.5 EOD
  • Caber .25mg weekly (adding in on week 8 until the end of my cycle week 16). ( will probably bump this up / but will see how my body reacts to running Deca and Tren at the same time).
  • Mast E - 400 weekly (adding in on week 6, will run until end of cycle week 16)
  • Tren E - 200 weekly (adding in week 10 will run until end of my cycle week 16).
That’s all I got as everybody is different, just my two cents!!
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Ok dbol is going to be here on Monday due to the carona virus. I have till April 15 as of right now to focus on diet and gym before i will have to hit the summer farm season, should I add this now, I’m running currently 500mg test per wk. Thoughts please bros. Ps. I’m sitting at 219. Would prefer 230
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We start Easter sunday. I’ve been on 500mg. Test e for 7 weeks should I drop it to standard dose for my trt protocol?
Yeah that’s what I was wondering. I’m not set up at home to do any heavy compound lifts and I understand that you can kind of build up a resistance to gear. So when I get done I want it to be effective again. At least that’s my understanding
Just be sure to do labs once you start running higher doses of test and deca, gotta keep estro in check or you can end up in a bad spot. Everybody is different which is why there isn’t a plain answer for this, but when I get up to 500mg Test in need 2mg Adex per week. Some guys need half that or less. Sounds like you definitely don’t need or want bloat going into what you’re doing, and high estradiol and deca combined you’d be a watermelon.
Can I ask what type of work? I’m in drywall and as we all know it gets heavy after a while. Especially all day. I’ve learned to carb and calorie up hard in the mornings and hit em again around 11am. I taper off towards evening but I feel ok. Some days are harder than others though. And I’m in my late 40s. I’ve also been micro dosing my shit and may finally have it dialed in. Drywall sucks so I prepare for it every morning.