Almost end of week3 test,deca,dbol


So I decided to run one more bulk like bigmurph suggested. I got myself down to 178lbs roughly an to what I thought was below 15%bf and started my blast .Went In and got my nbdoy today and Currently sitting at 184.8lbs and slowly making my way up. With work and family this bulk is starting off a little slow but Slow progress is better then no progress right !!! I’ll be running 16weeks and hopefully get up to around 195/200lbs then 16weeks off and start up my first ever actually shred where my goal is to be a solid true 185 /190 all muscle baby haha.
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Nice … thanks ! yeah I was thinking about trying npp but since I had a whole untapped 20ml of deca sitting around I just decided to run it again … this is my second cycle with deca . Ran it the last time with test only … now I threw it the dbol and oh yeah proviron… muscle mass went through the roof in only few weeks and I have 12 more weeks to go … @futureICUdoc good luck with your journey as well my dude . Kill it !!!
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I’m at the last 1/3 of bottle of deca and I have 3 weeks left so I’m just going to switch to npp for last 2 weeks if I knew the dose of the op npp/deca I had I would have used that but it could be 100 or 300 so why guess on getting what I want I’m up about 40 pounds 12 weeks in. But my body was waiting to put on mass this whole year.
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Hell yeah !! . Same I was surprised how much my muscle mass has gone up . glad I did my cycles the way I did and when I’m ready to cut after this it will be well worth it all !! Keep killing it bro .
Thanks bud!!! Yeah I’m still progressing with NPP definitely notice that my joints feel less beat up overall.

Strength is still on a linear progression with 5-10lb advancements on my major lifts.
Great work brother! Here is a bit of a suggestion during a bulk. Most continue to intake same calories carbs/protein/fats; during a bulk. Instead of starting out at 4K+ calories, its best to adjust yourself to increasing calories. Example every 7 days increase caloric intake by 300 calories. Allowing the body to adjust to the increase (keeping BF at bay) and helping with more muscle gains. Many forget to increase caloric intake during a bulk. Problem is you have to let your body adjust or you will gain much fat. If you give yourself 7 days before an uptake your body will respond better. Keeping you calories the same during a bulk is not efficient. As you are gaining muscle, but not feeding those gains for further gains. So, if you start at 2,500 calories during your bulk and uptake 300 more every 7 days will give you the most for your gains. Continue doing the same throughout cycle. If you started a 2,500 calories and are running a 12 weeks cycle you will have increase your caloric intake by the end to 6,100 calories a day. The results are amazing and then you can slim back a bit after cycle. Following a proper PCT protocol that should actually start three weeks after your last inject… it’s the proper way to do a PCT regiment. You will keep most of your gains. If instead you want to drop down to a TRT levels, reduce caloric intake every 5 days till you get to your “SWEET SPOT.” Same goes during the PCT protocol.

Best of luck!
@BEARBRREP That’s some great info thanks for that ! I did just what you said my last bulk as you could see from the 21% bf lol but I was able to bring it back down luckily bc I know my body after some yrs of training finally . I will definitely try this method and bump up my calories by 300 this Monday! After cycle I’ll Wait 2/3 weeks after last pin then go back on trt ! Thanks again for the advance
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