SB Labs

Another Old Man Rant About Studies, Health And Big Pharma

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Military Vet
I do a lot of reading, always have. I used to like a good story… true stories…fiction etc. I always liked reference material too…reading about stuff and figuring out what makes it tick, from the human body to space travel.

As I age, the human body has rose to the top of my list…just cuz it effects me more now than before. At a younger age I tried to keep myself healthy and I did. What I didn’t realize was how easy it was back then. Not a care in the world… eat pretty much whatever I wanted and go to the gym… work hard play hard.

I was on zero meds (peds excluded) until the age of 40 when first marriage was heading south and my gut stayed tore up. My pcp (same one as now) prescribed me the purple pill…nexium I believe. It worked, between wife leaving two years later and the purple pill… my gut straightened up. He took me off of it and put me on a low dose mood drug for the divorce stress. I came off of that after a couple of years.

Fast forward ten years to the age 52…diabetes reared its ugly head. Back on meds… this time it’ll probably be forever.

I stay relatively educated on the latest drugs (meds) but I’ve come to the conclusion that for every study there’s another study 180 degrees out and and a gazillion others somewhere in between. I consider myself to have a higher than average bandwidth but a lot of it is consumed by a paying job…family and hobbies.

My personal opinion is the human population has many little nuances that left unchecked will probably shave 6 months or so off longevity. My opinion is so what. I don’t want to live to 101 and be miserable… I’ll settle for 100 and eat that delicious slice of pizza.

I firmly believe big pharma does 3 things.

They actually develop meds to combat actual human ailments whether it be genetic or self induced.

They take one little very normal benign ailment and develop a drug for it and put into motion the advertising machine to make it seem like it’s the end of your life if you have it. The have studies AND big $$$ that will get their proclamations front and center in the most prestigious medical publications as well as all over the blasted TV during the shows of the targeted audience.

Lastly… big pharma’s egg heads spend countless hours developing compounds for one thing or another and have formulas cataloged that don’t do anything for the current known ailments SOOO they contrive a new ailment that formula xyz will fix. Once again… put into motion the advertising machine.

My latest interest has been statins due to my elevated cholesterol in my last labs. My doc is very practical and was never worried about it being slightly elevated due to my overall great health, great cardiac performance and lack of family history for cardiac related illnesses. This time it was high enough that he had some concerns. I can tell you that there are thousands, if not more, studies on statins that span from greatest thing ever to complete poison.

All of the above excludes the outliers… the folks that are naturally healthy and appear bulletproof and the ones that completely abuse their body with loads of stuff they ingest.

That’s my 2c… I have the hankering for some pizza.
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Here’s my lipid panel. Doesn’t look like it unless it’s somewhere else.

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