Anyone have experience with Testosterone undeconate?


Well-known member
Anyone have experience with this compund, theres mention of it in some of our UGM threads but I wanted to dedicate one for this compound. Please share your experience with it, doses results ect.

Here’s an excerpt from an article I read, it’s a basic introduction and dose for TRT.

Any recommendations for bodybuilding dose?

I got four bottles and want to learn more about it before I put it in my body.

(I did NOT write this its copy n paste)

Nearly every recreational user of anabolic steroids (AAS) accepts the legal and health risks in order to improve his quality of life— a more impressive physique, greater confidence, or a competitive edge. Yet, despite the tangible benefits conferred by AAS, there are a number of pains that users face.

In the practice of pharmacy, compliance is a major issue that determines the success of a drug treatment. Compliance means the patient following directions. To combat the habit of noncompliance, drug therapies are designed to be as effortless as possible. Thus, most oral drugs are once-daily; imagine the consequences of failing to take birth control as scheduled.

Most women follow a once-daily birth control pill schedule, but it is inconvenient. Thus, long-acting birth control options have been developed that allow for the placement of hormone-infused silicone implants lasting five years, or an intramuscular injection lasting 12 weeks. The same delivery systems used to provide long-acting female sex steroid hormones can also be applied to male sex steroid hormones, such as AAS.

AAS users already depend upon injectable AAS rather than orals, due to their higher potency, convenience, and to avoid the liver toxicity inherent in 17alpha-alkyated steroids. The health and legal risks are abstractions to most recreational users; the most concrete pain associated with injectable AAS use is pain.

Ask a type 1 diabetic about the impact of the condition on his life. Most become comfortable with dietary restrictions; it is the repeated injections and finger-pricks that are the least tolerable burdens. While recreational AAS users don’t prick fingers to monitor testosterone, many follow a frequent injection schedule. Contrary to insulin which is injected under the skin, AAS are injected deep into muscle tissue; typically the gluteus (butt muscle), but also shoulder or outer thigh. Some have a spouse/partner perform the injection, but most learn to self-inject.

A highly desirable advance in testosterone/AAS therapy would be to provide long-term sustainable release, avoiding dramatic peaks and troughs. Even the longest-acting esters currently available in the U.S. require bi-weekly injections; testosterone concentration fluctuates wildly with a three-fold difference between the highest and lowest concentrations experienced between shots. Bodybuilders avoid AAS lows by injecting more frequently, maintaining an anabolic concentration. During an AAS-only cycle, bodybuilders endure two or more intramuscular injections weekly, depending upon the dosing schedule and number of AAS stacked. Competitive bodybuilders and athletes may compound this number with injections of insulin, growth hormone, inflammatory agents, prostaglandins, etc.

A testosterone ester has been developed and used clinically in many countries possessing the desired profile. Testosterone undecanoate (TU), marketed under the brand name Aveed®, Nebido®, and others, has a decade-plus history of research and use in treating male hypogonadism (low testosterone).1-23 It is the preferred mode of hormone replacement for many men’s health specialists, due to its pharmacokinetic properties. TU is capable of maintaining a steady concentration of testosterone for 12 weeks in most users, up to 14 weeks in some.5-7 To reach a steady state, a 4 ml depot of TU in castor oil is injected, with a follow-up injection six weeks later; from then on, testosterone concentration is typically maintained with a 4 ml depot injected every 12 weeks. For American AAS users, or men receiving testosterone therapy, this sounds like nirvana— one shot every three months, rather than 12 or more.
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TU is capable of maintaining a steady concentration of testosterone for 12 weeks in most users, up to 14 weeks in some.5-7 To reach a steady state, a 4 ml depot of TU in castor oil is injected, with a follow-up injection six weeks later; from then on, testosterone concentration is typically maintained with a 4 ml depot injected every 12 weeks. For American AAS users, or men receiving testosterone therapy, this sounds like nirvana— one shot every three months, rather than 12 or more.

I like the idea of steady levels for this long, less test injections
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Here’s some dosage info I found in another article
The recommended dose of Testosterone Undecanoate is 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly; followed by 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly after 4 weeks, then 750 mg (3 ml) intramuscularly every 10 weeks thereafter. Because the drugs half-life is extremely long it wouldn’t reach peak concentration levels in the body until nearing the end of a 16-week cycle. This is the reason for Testosterone Undecanoate not being used much in the world of sports. Testosterone Undecanoate’s main use is in Testosterone replacement therapy for males with low amounts of the hormone being produced naturally in their body. This steroid is not for cycling.
I saw a thing on it by one of the roid doctors everyone watches on you tube. I forgot his name. He said it is one of the only types of AAS he would recommend aspirating to make sure your not in a vein because it can cause pulmonary embolism. He also said you do not want to heat it up for an injection like most others. I couldn’t find the video but I found some info
On it.

I have read something on it… but I don’t remember. It was basically what you have. It sounds promising for sure.