SB Labs

April 24th installment of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good afternoon all. Light breakfast of 4 pieces whole wheat toast,with 2 cans of tuna on top with lite mayo and hot sauce, banana,water.No gym.went and looked at a few houses to today to rent,I love the idea that I will be living alone again,with the exception of my daughter who will stay with me on a somewhat regular basis.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.Remember,slow is smooth,and smooth is fast I learned that while training on multiple guns,now I learned that it can be applied to a lot a life’s situations.
Breakfast was 4 eggs scrambled smothered in cheese, with cup of fried potatoes, and two pieces of turkey sausage. Quart of chocolate milk and honey bun for a snack. Lunch was 2 packs of tuna on 4 slices of honey oat bread. Whey shake for second snack. Not sure about dinner yet. I’ll have a mass gainer shake before and after my Upper Body Strength training tonight.
Didn’t make rice today for lunches so will figure out my carbs but workout was chest up to 425 for 8 on bench felt strong so much better before work than after
My to,over seas we got them packs of it,or my dad would mail tuna to me.
They make great protein snacks that fill ya up… they do me anyways.
Stand by,gonna toast whole wheat toast,then these,their in water,not oil.
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