Arimidex over Aromasin


Active member
There’s a question that’s hurting my brain lately which I can’t answer, why would you choose Arimidex over Aromasin if when you stop Adex you’ll most likely gonna have an estrogen rebound?
Great question. Early on, it was a decision of ignorance on my part. Once I came to UGM and learned a lot more aromasin was a no brainer.
Aromasin you can crash E2 easier.
Aromasin prevent the formation of estrogen completely, rather than just suppressing it like Arimidex, this is why if you crash your E2 it takes more time to build up and it sucks. Arimidex since it suppresses E2 once you stop taking it you can have a rebound…

personally I use Arimidex while on TRT since my doctor prescribes it but I have heard that Aromasin is better

Imy mistake with Aromasin is that I did t it take it properly and I crashed my E2 and since the. I decided not to mess with it anymore lol again I didn’t do my homework well enough

Whatever compound one uses , we should understand how it works and the proper way to use it in order to truly take advantage of its potential
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Always been an Adex guy. Doesn’t take much and the effects for me are within days. Down side. Adex can take you down to zero. That fucking sucks. Bad. I can take .25mg E3D and be normal. I usually stop when I feel my body recover from high E levels. (I know my body very well) I tried aromasin. Just didn’t care for it. That’s all. Matter of fact I still have some. 😂
Good info here. I was wondering the same actually cause I am prescribed Arimidex. For my TRT.
And I have Aromasin on hand from a UGL.

I was debating on using the Aromasin over the Adex. But Still not sure.
If you are on TRT, get your E levels checked before even taking and AI. I took them cuz back in the day everyone said “take Adex you’ll need it on cycle” I did. And bad things happened. No sex drive couldn’t cum couldn’t get a hard on sometimes even with viagra or Cialis. Went and had blood work done. I was at ZERO. That was no bueno. Took me 6 months to get some normalcy going. And let me tell you. Fucking for an hour and not cumming is not a dream. It’s a nightmare. Not only for you but the o’lady. You can’t cum. She’s like what’s wrong with me? Just a whole mess. Anyways. Have the doc check you out. On TRT my levels are slightly elevated but not in need of AI. Everyone is different, but start with blood work. That’s my advice.
Thank you. Yes I just started with a new TRT doctor. E level is at 21 before starting TRT.

Bloodwork is in 10 weeks from last Monday.
200mg per week. And they prescribed
Arimidex at .5 twice a week day after pin.
That quantity is too much for me , I usually only need .25 twice a week and I’m good, too much Arimidex makes me feel like I can’t get it hard enough lol… I have always wondered if that it’s a mental thing,… my doctor told me that it was okay because most of the time they will prescribe it and you will have to wait for the next visit and tell them how you feel in order for them to adjust it, so I guess for me telling them what really works it was a win win thing. But everyone is different tho’
Oh it gets better. When my doc told me your at zero, and it started to come back up, shit I went from no cum to stick it in 8 pumps and blow my load. It was just as bad. So after a few months of that shit, I was back to normal. 😂. But the o’lady wasn’t happy. Too long. Too short. So I learned my lesson. Dose low. Blood work. And keep the shit right. 😂