Arimidex Titration Advice

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Well-known member
So I just wanted to know what the forum’s general consensus was about upping your dose of AI on cycle. I’m about 6 weeks into my second cycle and I decided to do Test NPP and DBol pre workout. I’ve been taking 0.5mg arimidex starting on day 1 Mon and Thurs, just because I’ve heard about how easily Dbol aromatizes.

Bloods got done today and waiting on results. Overall I’ve felt great on this cycle and haven’t had any of the notable estrogen sides.

In the event that my blood work shows that my estrogen is up, how do you guys go about increasing your dose of arimidex? I know the consensus is start at 0.5mg and then go up if needed, but go up to 0.75mg? 1.0mg?

Thanks for all your help
Frequency of pinning will also make sure that your levels stay stable. Your estrogen will rise because of the need to achieve homeostasis. Even with blood work done if your levels are high but you have no sides of high estrogen you shouldn’t bomb your system with AI. With that being said if you pin EOD and keep your levels stable AI might not even be needed.
The only time I’ve ever needed an AI was never. The only reason I ever took AI was because my bro’s always told me you need it. I noticed that as soon as I started not using an AI I was able to grow a lot more. Bottom line I feel like the estrogen is needed to grow and when I would keep my estrogen low I didn’t grow the way I wanted. It’s also a lot better in my body not taking so many things… this is just my logic idk maybe I’m a little off…
You are not off at all. Pinning ED or EOD in my experience dramatically reduces E2 relative to what it would be pinning E3D or E3.5D. And adding a little mast prop into the equation helps as well. That said, when I’m at full-tilt blast, I have to have .25-.5 Adex EOD to keep the E2 at bay (bloat and puffy nips–even puffier than usual). When I go back to cruise levels, however, I hope to eliminate the Adex altogether. E2 is essentially to maximizing strength and size, but mine was pushing 100, so I really had to lower it.
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I not too long ago was cruising on Susta 300. 250 mg a week total (broke up into 3 pins a week). No other AAS. Thought I’d stay around 800 on T. I cruise according to half life’s of AAS I was blasting are fully eliminated from body then add a week for good measure. Last week I get labs. Again only thing I believe in cruising with is a trt dose of T. My labs came back great except T was greater than 1500 and E2 was above 200.
My SBHG was nice and low. First time I ever cruised on Susta - always on Enthanate. But it was like 4 days since last pin. I had no physical signs of E2 but I did notice when E2 is jacked up I cry during sad movies and songs like a little bitch. I overly panicked brother. This is what I Did post blood work. I took Arimidex 1mg a day for 3 days 1/2 a day every other day x 1 week. Waited 72 additional hours and redid my E2 and total T only . my Estradiol had dropped to 9. I went back to my TRT on Enthanate 125 mg a week in 2 divided doses which keeps me around 600. Sir I couldn’t find a specific documented protocol for lowering E2 with concurrent use of exogenous testosterone. If there is one I would wait to see documented E2 and use your AI in line with this protocol in case of elevation.
@munn1983 we have a large group of those we call lurkers, as much as I’d love to see them join in and be part of the group. Most never will, but we care about safety first and foremost so I’m going to use this to make a few points-
  1. Sust needs to be pinned ED or EOD to avoid these high E2 levels. There’s multiple esters breaking down and aromatizing at different speeds causing this spike of estro.
  2. When you receive a lab value that is alarmingly high… and you have control over it (prolactin,estro, etc) an all out mad dash to reduction is not the proper route. Take it’s slow and easy. Over weeks not days. Then re-check labs. Tanking your estro is no joke and is a miserable experience.
That’s kind off what I learned with the Susta. I use Enth and cruise just fine. What I was eluding to is if there is a protocol for elevated E2 with exogenous T therapy and a specific AI recommended regime that’s what I’d refer to also labs don’t lie to wait on labs before anything. Hey thanks man not here to cause havoc…
Brother I know you’re not here to cause havoc! Simply using what you said to create a learning moment for someone else. That’s all!
Gotcha dude. To be quite honest I have zero problems with Susta in any given concentration. I would actively debate anyone anywhere that Susta can fit in any cycle. My problem was I was being cheap and just cracked a vial and somehow for some dumb reason thought it would work into my cruise which has always been Enth. Serum T levels as predictable as the sunrise. Before I used the Arimidex I spoke with my family practice Doctor - I tell him everything he said use Aromasin - you’re an old fart higher doses kinder on lipids and hearts. Told him I wanted it down quick - he was honest and said Arimidex was the DOC but there was no dosage recommendation for my circumstances as he quite frankly doesn’t deal with this and many patients disclose such info…Neuro Rn you are a smart Mother F$&ker, saying this with sincerity not cursing. If there is a protocol for control and lowering E2s put it out there. All the crap I read everyone posts different data… Again thanks for your patience. Not used to this Arena
Haha thank you sir. I appreciate it.

there’s no set protocol Bc literally everyone aromatizes differently and responds to AI’s differently. That’s why you won’t see a standard protocol for dosage out there. It depends on what AI you are using, and what test you are using etc.

I typically subscribe to the less is more idea. In that situation with xtane I would have taken a full 25 mg tab Waited until my next pin, I normally take AI day or two after pin. And then I would have increased my dose from 6.25 to 12.5. And continued for a week or so and then gotten labs.

Again, no set protocol Bc every person is going to act so differently.
Exactly—I see what you’re saying. Your why I joined this site. Not being weird I mean not like I did to link up with you - that’s stalking and very strange but to get sound advice without paying out of pockets. I’ve been to many other body building sites like these as when you research your search engine migrates there for some reason or other. Info being put out Truths/Half Truths and Lies all mixed up man. Plus in my limited posts I’ve put some crap out and get corrected. Suspect I’m like the rest of this group Alpha in nature - Alien smart “ in my own mind”. But I research what I’ve been corrected on and see I was wrong. So the bottom line is that’s called mentorship, leadership or friendship. So thanks to all
Hahahhahahahaa I’m dying.
munn1983 said:
Not being weird I mean not like I did to link up with you - that’s stalking and very strange
You’re cracking me up. Glad to have you around. We’re here because health, and harm reduction are our number one priority. I promise you won’t find anywhere else like UGM. glad to have you here.
Thank you sir. My problem and why I’ve found my way to this very nice place is I can’t gain weight. Been an a multi year crusade to break the 200 lb barrier. Dude I feel good, everything about this lifestyle has agreed with me and it’s not an absolute necessity but I could proudly walk through the halls of Valhalla with my head held high at 203. 3 additional pounds in case I take a grumpy somewhere between the river crossing and arriving at Odin’s pad.
Haha we can probably get to the bottom of that. Go start a log so we can all follow along and help you reach your goals!
Hahaha i am exactly opposite…fighting to stay down to 200-208 range.

How tall are you?
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