SB Labs

August 1 whatever thread

How old are you @BigSwole69? This new lifestyle (compounds exercise feeling sexy again) has me and the wife doing some fun stuff and lots of it. She gets turned on by how I am always staring at her ass and my muscles returning. And my confidence. Really gets her going. And we are fucking like pornstars. It’s awesome!!! I am 44. So will this ever change if I keep things up. Like will we be fucking like porn stars at 65? Gotta say the hcg and proviron and a little bit of clen really makes me a sex maniac. How much of this are the compounds? How much of it is my diet and exercise and confidence? All new to me. I am curious. Others please chime in. I won’t ask @John because he thinks pussy and blow jobs are over rated hahahahaha
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That’s not old. Ten more years then it’s old hahahah. So at 55 you still fucking like a pornstar?
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Hahaha. I do that too. Fuck twice a day maybe three times. But there is always the once or twice sudden moments gotta take a shower Hahahaha.
Ya I know. Hahahahaha. Thanks. Like @NeuroRN always says slow and steady. Wish I figured that out long ago. Slow and steady seems more permanent to me. Total lifestyle change which I fought for a long time! Have you seen the most recent picture?
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Agreed. And yes @Dmomuchole it is very addicting The last three days I am fighting not to go to gym because between my leg and my elbow tendinitis I gotta let them heal a little bit. Elbow been making trouble cause three days ago I went for strength and doing heavy weights but wasn’t ready for it yet. I hate hate hate missing gym days. Also I feel sick when I eat some of the shit I use too. Like any more then three pieces of pizza. Lmao. Use to be able to eat a while fucking large pizza then fall asleep on the couch. Lmao