SB Labs

August 28th installment of diets and bodybuilding


Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all.No work til next Thursday,going on a trip.prebreakfast was strawberries blended in to vanilla protein shake,then i went and tire flipped for 5, 3min intervals…the real breakfast was 7 hb egg whites,4 turkey sausage,banana,coffee water. Now i gotta pack.
Not sure about lunch or dinner.Today im grateful for the opportunity to get away from people,and society as a whole.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Feeling to heavy? Its funny,for myself,i feel best at 200-210,after that i dont feel as limber,or light on my feet,i depend on speed and efficiency…so fuckin light compared to you.
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It’s not that I feel bad but mentally being this far above my weight I want to make my cut as easy as possible or just not cut at all
Well i reckon you best stop eating as much,ment gives you appetite??
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Skipped the gym and went hiking in my local state park instead. The usual for me, chicken salad, steak and cheese sandwich, eggs and oatmeal, yogurt w/ almonds and a protein shake.