SB Labs

August 7th edition of diets and training


Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning all…terrible night of sleep,multiple fucked up dreams,i got up at 0330 tired of fighting demon dreams,drank a 6pk and took more sleeping meds,got up a little but ago,but feel like shit cause of mixing my meds with alcohol,gentlemen dont take this to seriously,but i wouldnt have minded not waking up at all this morning.Gettin tired of life. So no work today,definitely no gym. Gonna isolate today,tomorrow,maybe the day after.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
That sucks John and hopefully tonight will be a little easier.

Probably training back tonight. Meals will be eggs, pepper jack on an a English muffin. Chicken meatballs and pasta. Grilled chicken on wraps. The usual yogurt and almonds
Brother I spent 18 months in that darkness. Bottle of vodka in one hand and a pistol in the other.

Alcohol is poison to us. You and I both got demons man, booze just fuels those demons, like Tren for evil spirits. Makes em big and crazy.

Life is worth living. I promise.
First nice morning here in a long time…

4 am Cardio w/ the wife.
6 am Bong hits and coffee.
9 am Flip Tires and throw heavy shit around.

Bagel with cream cheese. 30g protein shake with some yogurt and fruit.

Mobility in the afternoon. If I don’t stretch and work mobility daily I walk like Frankenstein.
Oh yeah,well buddy its not something you can promise me,just cause you say that,doesnt make it reality.
My Dr at the VA has had two patients try to commit suicide. One was a jumper. Jumped. Lived. Second his feet left the edge he regretted it.

2nd story is the same.

One of my best buddies pulled the trigger. Point blank and missed- grazed his head and ear he was so drunk but he missed and decided to start living not sit in darkness thinking about quitting.

Perception is reality. Choose a perception that is a livable reality. That was his take. I had to do the same.

Focus on cowshit smells like shit or focus on cowshit is fertilizer. One stinks. The other grows my food.

I quit the warpath but I’m still a warrior. I forgot that. Got soft. Forgot I had to fight depression and darkness like the enemy they are. You fought enemies- Al Madi, Taliban…. Same here.

Depression is the most dangerous enemy I’ve ever fought. It’s fucking sneaky and when we realize it is a battle for life and death that MFer is already in the wire. At 3:30 am in the dark in your living room there is no one to feed ammo to you. You have to decide if it’s a battle you want to fight or give into.

Can’t promise life is worth living- 100% true. Maybe it’s not. I do know living in darkness is slow suicide. I tried slow and fast suicide. Died twice and medicine brought me back.

I’d rather be alive today and fighting like a warrior than laying down with a bottle and a pistol.
This how i feel about your sermon.
I get these feelings,come and go. However i still tell my daughter EVERYDAY,on pills,off pills,drunk sober, i love her,see her on a regular basis,go to work,tell my whole family i love them…,my POINT being is that I can be in a bad place,while i isolate in my apartment,or go hunting to try to kill something,or go fish by myself…I go on fairly large binges.