Beginners cycle and dosage

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Thinking about running test cyp for 10 weeks at 400 mg any thoughts on this? Trying to keep it simple for my first run was stuck between the different esters till I read more about test cyp and it’s benefits bulking.
Thats the correct 1st cycle most people run test cypionate or test enanthate. You may have already done so but I would recommend getting bloodwork done before you cycle so you have a baseline. This will be pretty useful down the road 👌
Its a solid cycle to start off with either testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate.
I myself prefer testosterone enanthate for my cycles and then I usually will come off and run testosterone cypionate for my cruise but if im running a low dose cycle I will just continue taking cypionate and adjust my dosage.
Honestly either gets the job done this is just a personal preference.
E or C- love em both and they work the same for me. 400mg a week is a great dose to start at. I think a lot of folks start at 500mg a week because so many labs make E and C in 250mg/ml concentrations. Personally I love the 200mg/ml strength.

Good luck- train hard, dial in the diet, and enjoy the ride!
I’ve always been a fan of C. Definitely get labs drawn so you have baseline. Get PCT lined up for when you come off. There are plenty of docs that will work with you. Keep your eye on the numbers, eat clean and train hard. Good luck
I remember my first cycle wasn’t my best lack of knowledge in training and diet but that was 20+ yrs ago second one i had it on lock and made crazy gains off very little gear better you prepare for this one the more amazing the results then you gonna be chasing the dragon
I’d say run 500mgs for 12 weeks . Also have ur AI and pct on hand before u even start actually get them first . Like was said before do bloods before at mid cycle and after pct. Pct isn’t 4 weeks like most say I’d say it’s at least half the time of ur cycle . So if u run 12 week cycle ur pct should be 6 weeks after after the compound is out of ur system . With test C or E I’d say that’s 12-16 days after last pin I’d do 14 days then start pct . Also I like test C more myself I think it’s fresher compound cause it’s wide used in the world every where .

All this just in my opinion
Exactly the same first cycle I did. Test c at 200mg/ml Monday and Thursday for 12 weeks not (10).

But I also had everything like supplies, alcohol wipes, PCT before I considered starting. I did the whole nolva/clomid PCT for 4 weeks.

First cycles are the best I honestly remember my lifts were 50+ pounds heavier and at this time I gained a solid 25 pounds by the end.