SB Labs

Benefits of just brisk walking - keep it simple

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Aside from its overall fitness benefits, regular long walks are extremely beneficial in a therapeutic manner. From a weight management strategy, in my opinion, there is too much emphasis on high intensity cardio. Not only is it hard for those just starting a goal to lose weight to maintain regularly, immediately jumping into running/jogging can cause injury if introduced too quickly. Personally I have found just making a habit of hitting 10-15k steps a day works wonders, as I improved my body composition with regular brisk walks outside or using a treadmill on the highest incline setting. Adding a weight vest when brisk walking also is a great way to increase the intensity when limited on time. Doing that on top of a resistance training program and “clean” eating habits (basically, just don’t eat like an asshole, LOL) was my recipe for success. There are so many unnecessary complications (both diet and exercise) echoed in the fitness industry that simply do not work, primarily because they are not maintainable long term. Building healthy habits that you both enjoy and can easily adhere to for life is key.

Here is the weight vest I use occasionally (can be adjusted from 6-60 lbs). Was quite cheap and is pretty comfortable though I do look like I’m walking around in a bullet proof vest.

Also I remember @NeuroRN (theres that name again)…saying that a walk after bigger meals helps digestion. I’ve been doing this in the evening after supper and haven’t used an antacid in a long time.
Absolutely! Another good strategy is to essentially “microdose” these sessions for lack of better word. It is so much easier to hit your step goal by just doing a short walk after core meals or when just you have some time to spare. Ultimately, it all adds up during the day and ultimately by week, month, year when staying consistent focusing on just moving more each day.
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