Blood work and attempted TRT


Over the summer I ran a cycle of 600mg of test P , 300mg of NPP (weekly) and Proviron(daily). Did blood work at about 7 weeks and everything looked well, no caber or AI needed. Cycle ended mid September and I am currently doing 125mg every 3rd day of test E. Recently did blood work and my Estrogen and Prolactin are sky high! It’s been just under 2 months since I stopped npp and proviron. So why now would they be this high? I have caber and AI on hand but what do you guys think I should take and wait before testing again? I was thinking.5 of adex and .5 caber twice a week and retest in two weeks? Also thinking of dropping test E from .5 cc to .4 or .3? Not sure what that is in mg lol .





Ditto what @Dirtnasty said. Your t is through the roof on a basic trt dose.

My opinion is:

For every “10” or .1 on the barrel is 25mg of juice. Full barrel will be 250… 1/2 barrel will be 125.

I would start walking it back from 125mgs a pop to 100mgs or “40/.4” on the barrel. Ride that for several months and see if things level out. Get labs and maybe have to walk it back 25 more to 75mgs.

I’m thinking you’re a hyper-responder and can get a lot of juice for very little squeeze. Lucky you.

How do you feel? Well being and energy?

My 2c worth.
Reread your post… you might end up at 75mgs e3d. That ain’t bad… cost savings and if sides level out… you’re golden.
So I do feel good. I noticed my skin is a little oilier then normal but that’s it. I should of mentioned that the test is flash brand and that tends to run hotter. I’ll cut it back and hold off on ancillaries and retest in a few weeks.
Yep. He always runs on the plus side. You might be one of the lucky ones too… your body just reacts well to exogenous compounds. I believe @Kad1 is the same way… he gets sky high testosterone levels for a minimum input.

Once again my opinion only… it might not hurt to cut back to 75mgs e3d for a couple months prior to labs.
Also look at it from the monthly standpoint…75 would be 750 per month…187.5 per week total .

125 is 1250 a month…312 a week total.
Test of <7500 and estradiol of 66 is bad bad bad bad juju. That’s a ratio that needs to be balance and both going up. You’re bloods with test around 2000 and e2 around 100 is actually MUCH healthier as long as you are not experiencing side effects in any way.

As far as your prolactin, looks like SHBG was low with proviron and now it’s normal? I’m not totally sure. I would take A SINGLE dose of caber. And drop your test and check bloods. If you take an AI it will possibly skew your bodies natural balancing act of test and e2 and you won’t be able to find the best dose.

If prolactin remains high, go to the doc. Living on caber is a hard no no.
Appreciate it guys. Thank you. I’ll drop the test and try the one dose of caber. Then retest in about a month? That should be long enough I would think.
My test dropped like a rock in two weeks. Of course I abstained completely prior to my labs so it wouldn’t come in too high.
The Test/Estro panel was done with “let’s get checked”. The rest of the blood work was done through Quest. I am looking on getting my test and estrogen tested somewhere else.
I’ve used LGC and I don’t believe they do the LCMS testing….wish they did tho.

If you’re not experiencing side, I don’t see a problem with your Estro at 100.

For the prolactin if you continue to experience issues after your retest, I would try:

1st Line of Defense…
400 - 800 mg vitamin E daily
600 mg P5P Daily

If that doesn’t work add…
850mg - Vitex
100-400mg L-Dopa