Blood work, cycle , ALpha North Labs (surrey)

so i got another set of bloodwork today , docotr gave me xanax for the anxiety i am experiencing with this cycle, ive gotten sever neausea a couple times, do you gusy advise i finish up another 8 weeks on this cycle:
sustanon ; 500mg
deca : 400
dbols finish today at 4 weeks

its the sustanon from alpha north which i noticed has deca in it already, so am i now taking to much deca, or am i takign to much of everything in the first place? i do get short of breath, anxiety, chest pain, palpitations, it could all be related to anxiety this xanax pill i took this after noon has levelled me out and he prescribed me an iron pill and wants me3 to see a specialist, but anyhow would you guys finish this cycle? and should i adjust my dosages considering there is deca in this blend of sustanon, they just call it sustanon not sustanon 250 thanks guys… i will update you with my new set of bloodwork tommorow as for the anxiety it seems to have subsided with a .5 of xanax i thin k i may be able to handle the anxiety that comes with the cycle im on >? im just worried that maybe its bad gear and thats wh ymy blood work is so fucked up right now cause it wasnt liek that a month ago when i was off cycle there was no flags. thanks guys.

My friend mental health is my forte. Those are all symtoms of anxiety, but are you sure there’s not something like tren in there? Or is it the 1st. Time running anything at all?

so how does this gear look boys ? go ahead with it or what 8 weeks left im sure ican handle it now that i have xanax to cal m my anxietys about my bloodwork
@TG @John I’m sure know more than me… but I would suggest quitting your cycle if it makes you act this way. Seems like you’re experiencing a bit of sides. Those can be lifers if your not careful bud
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Hey dude, I have done a year long blast of gear I’d say alpha north gear pretty dece stuff might be a little underdosed found a better source, I also suffer from anxiety and depression and I’d say it’s probably the orals making u feel worse, I remember running their anadrol at 150-200 MG’s a day in prep for a strongman compition and I was losing my shit all the time, also was on like 1500mgs of test and 700 mg of npp
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