Bloodwork following 12 week LGD/RAD cycle (10mg/day)


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Newbie here. Never run a steroid cycle, but just got done running an LGD/RAD 10mg/day cycle for the past 12 weeks. Been off for about a week or so now and got my bloodwork done. I know many people in the fitness community like to talk about SARMs as some miracle drug that have none of the side effects of steroids but part of the gains.

Well, my bloodwork disagrees. They definitely didn’t impact my prostate or estradiol levels any. PSA is at a nice 0.9 ng/mL and estradiol is at 8.9 pg/mL still (roughly my baseline).

However, my total test dropped to 141ng/dL and my cholesterol and liver enzymes changed a good bit in 12 weeks.

HDL tanked to 20mg/dL and LDL jumped to 178mg/dL.
ALT jumped to 147IU/L and AST to 52IU/L. Not terrible changes, I figure I can get these back in check within a matter of a month or two. Just figured I’d post this info for anyone curious as SARMs seem to be largely undocumented at current. So definitely still consider PCT and check on your liver and cholesterol during and after cycle with SARMs as well. They definitely seem to have an impact.
Damn that’s interesting information and I love that you have bloodwork to back it up.
Do you believe that you got any good gains at all or just a complete waste?
I made some solid strength gains, but mass gains were largely non-existent. I slapped a solid 60-70 pounds on my bench during this time though, but I have a feeling I could have seen far more with less impact on my liver and cholesterol if I just did test instead. And I wouldn’t recommend doing this without a test base either, because the suppression got very noticeable towards the end. Next go round, I’m definitely adding in some test and probably just gonna stick with one compound instead of two to see how that goes.
I look forward to hearing about it honestly I don’t think that I will ever use sarms like that but im really curious about all of them.
You have detailed information also and bloodwork it doesn’t get any better for real life experience to read about.
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I honestly only fucked with them due to thinking they might have less sides and the fact that I’m pretty low test naturally anyways 350ng is what my bloodwork said prior to running this cycle. Prostate cancer runs in my family so I didn’t want to fuck around too much and risk enhancing my chances. Although I’m considering just going for a BnC approach in the future since my doctor has been discussing TRT with me lately anyways. Test is far more researched and my doctor will work with me on controlling the sides as well.

I’m honestly glad to see my PSA looks the same though because that was one of the things I wanted to watch the most.
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I agree that’s what made me get interested is I started to hear good stories but then more and more guys like you are saying that there just not working out the way that they are supposed to on paper.
Im glad to hear that your prostate is good and I hope that it stays that way also. Yes especially now there is alot of research and experience with doctors prescribing trt the good ones are doing a great job.
Yeah, SARMs don’t really seem worth it on their own. I’ll give them another shot on cycle as a replacement for the way guys usually use an oral to kick start things. But I think I’m primarily just gonna stick with test. I’ll cruise at TRT doses and just blast at like 500 a week or so I think. I’ll just keep a close watch on my PSA levels, although I’m not super worried yet as my family usually develops prostate cancer in their 50s and I’m only in my late 20s atm.

Another thing I’m not too keen on about them is the fact I can’t use something like a roidtest kit to verify their purity. I mean, I know most of them are made in china so who even knows if they are what they say they are. Could be anything if you can’t verify it.
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Have so you take any supplements? Krill oil. Fish oil. CoQ10? I have a set of supplements I take on cycle to help with my body. Can you tell me what your starting bench was and your finish? Cuz if I can get 60-70 pounds in 12 weeks hell, I’m buy SARMS! 😂 Or what is your chest regiment?
Fish oil, coq10, a multivitamin, and policosanol (this one got added on at the end to help with cholesterol).

Bench isn’t anything too impressive. Went from 185 to about 240. It’s going down slowly at current so I’m more curious what it will be at within a month or so I’ll be happy to have it stay above 225 by the time PCT is done. (People say SARMs don’t need PCT but I’m going with Nolva for PCT anyways since my test is royally down the drain, not that it was super great to begin with)

Chest regiment is pretty simple. I follow a Push/Pull split currently. On Push A I do standard bench following the 5/3/1 approach and then I do dumbbell flys for sets 4 sets of 10+. On push B I do dumbbell incline bench and dips at 55% of my 1 training max for 10 sets of 4.

I just swapped to this program though, prior I was benching twice a week and doing 3 sets following the 5/3/1 approach and then doing 4-5 sets of 10 dumbbell bench and dumbbell flys for 2-3 sets of 10.
Congrats on those bench gains, that’s huge in my opinion. Sounds like you basically got the SARM thing figured out now. More Plates More Dates on YouTube has a lot of really good info on SARMS as well as SARM usage for people not on Test or with lower test levels.
Thanks man. I’m just hoping I can keep them. The feeling of rapid strength increases was insane, although I was expecting to put on more mass along with the strength. The way it increased my recovery was great. I slept like a rock, was ravenously hungry all the time but barely put on fat or weight in general when I ate, and I was ready to go 24/7. I basically wanted to live in the gym. I’ve heard from others that the doses I was taking were a bit high though so that might influence why my blood work looked so wonky when I got it back. In the future I think I’m just gonna do test though. I just recently got prescribed test c, so I’m just gonna stick with my TRT doses until everything looks normal and then I’ll do a standard blast I think. I’ll keep it simple for a while to get my health back in order from this.
Well I don’t think you should lose any of that strength. My personal opinion on SARMS is they really don’t add tgat much. It’s probably more mental to be honest. Great gains tho!! Keep on it you could be at 315 in 6 months. 😁
I don’t doubt it man. Especially with normalized test levels, I expect I’ll be there before I know it. These gains are honestly wild to me because I feel like I’ve been doing nothing but spinning my wheels until I took SARMs. I can only imagine how TRT will change things. My gf is excited too about me starting it. Haha. The gains are gonna be a huge plus, but at this point I’m just ready to stop having fucking hot flashes/night sweats and being an emotional wreck. As much as I hate needles, it’ll be nothing new at this point as I’ve been a pin cushion for my doctors for most of my life anyways.