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Discussion Book Recommendations

Hello all,

Without hijacking another post, @Aude_Aliquid_Dignu made a good recommendation on a novel to check out. I find myself reading quite often, the older I become so let’s see if we can get a thread of recommendations going.

1. Art Of War
2. Don Quixote
3. The Bible
4. The Celestine Prophecy
5. Moby Dick
6. 48 Laws Of Power
7. The Book Of Five Rings
8. The Alchemist
9. The Four Agreements

** No specific order to these, just a short list.
I also read this on and off. Excellent for getting in the weeds for strength and conditioning. Extremely dry.

Same here. I can't find anything on TV to watch anymore so Ive been reading a lot during my downtime. Mostly Horror/ Sci Fi / Paranormal. My top 3 from last year:
Dead Silence/ Barnes
God Killer Series
Tender is the flesh/ Augustina Batzerrica
Always looking for decent read
Same here. I can't find anything on TV to watch anymore so Ive been reading a lot during my downtime. Mostly Horror/ Sci Fi / Paranormal. My top 3 from last year:
Dead Silence/ Barnes
God Killer Series
Tender is the flesh/ Augustina Batzerrica
Always looking for decent read
Wifey and I got hooked on the British tv stuff although they got their crap too. We’re finishing up the ms marple (agatha christie) series.

I agree though. Most tv is crap…most movies are too.
Hello all,

Without hijacking another post, @Aude_Aliquid_Dignu made a good recommendation on a novel to check out. I find myself reading quite often, the older I become so let’s see if we can get a thread of recommendations going.

1. Art Of War
2. Don Quixote
3. The Bible
4. The Celestine Prophecy
5. Moby Dick
6. 48 Laws Of Power
7. The Book Of Five Rings
8. The Alchemist
9. The Four Agreements

** No specific order to these, just a short list.
I’ve got the Art of war up in the attic with a couple hundred old books
I will recommend a single book above all two of three have been written with two novellas in between.
Please do not dismiss it if it’s not your genre….you will thank me.

I will recommend a single book above all two of three have been written with two novellas in between.
Please do not dismiss it if it’s not your genre….you will thank me.

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I would also recommend these series but they are a distant second….





Soooo… yes I am a big “escapism” book nerd.
Most of those books yall listed are good books,some of em I read in jail...I read a lot on war,iraq and afghanistan mostly,and a lot on ww1,and ww2,vietnam,I get excited when I read those kind of books,or movies....there's a Afghan one called OP RESTREPO, it's a small documentary about a army unit,it's sickening,but at the same time I love it.
Red rising
Poppy wars
Mediations - Marcus Aurelius
Anything by Ryan holiday
Virtue of selfishness
The book of five rings - written by musashi
Iron Druid chronicles
Hail Mary
Dark matter
Chaos, Charles mansion, the cia, and secret history of the sixties
The Reacher books are fun and easy to read
Something deeply hidden by Sean Carroll

In no particular order of fiction and non fiction.
The 1960’s chaos book looks interesting. THAT will be my next read.
It’s absolutely fascinating. The author started out writing an article in a newspaper and 10 or so years later felt like he finally had all the info he could gather and wrote the book.