Breathing difficult on deca?

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Anyone have a difficult time breathing while on deca? I was having such a problem and didn’t know what was wrong I went to my doctor and she put me on Albuterol and said I probably have seasonal asthma. The thing is once I dropped the deca a few weeks later my lungs are just fine. I liked deca for joint pain. Would there be something else that helps with joints and cartilage that I could substitute?
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I can’t say that I’ve heard of breathing difficulties with deca.

I know I’ve done npp cycles with no issue and they’re both nandrolone.

I’ve read both give solid joint lubrication.
I’ve never experienced this with deca or npp. Maybe you starting to come down with something at the same time
I have noticed on Tren if I eat too many carbs. Like high glycemic carbs something happens inside my body where if I lean up against something with pressure my breath is short. Like a horizontal rowing machine or even simple sit-ups scrunching everything together. And last time I drank hard liquor on cycle it happened also. It’s like everything swells up with glycogen or something and reduces lung capacity. And I can feel it in my stomach. But a couple few days of eating properly and it goes away and doesn’t come back unless I eat really high carbs a few days in a row again.
I never had any respiratory issues on deca. But seasonal allergies are tough. They can show up at any age. My mom didn’t have allergies until she was in her 60s. And usually allergies only last a few weeks maybe a month. That’s been my experience at least.
So my brother was put on deca along with his trt. He had the same experience. Could my family have an allergy to deca?
Only times I’ve had breathing problems was on tren and that shit was noticeable. Heavy ass breathing but still functioning well. Deca no issues but since there both nor 19 compounds maybe it’s affecting you in a certain way. What was your dose
Have you put on a good bit of weight using deca cuase that cause me to be out of breath quicker while on but once I was used to weight I was fine now tren. Eve if I just pin base in get winded talking to people jk
I would agree with this just like bigger guys get sleep apnea you were im guessing holding alot of water and weight. I personally ran 600mg of decca once and it was the worst brought it down to 400 and I still felt horrible. Doing crossfit I could only imagine how hard it was to keep your breath. If looking for strength without bloat try non aromatase compounds next to your testosterone. They won’t fill you full of water and will still allow for the strength gains your looking for brother
herrubermensch said:
Less of an issue with ment than wiith NPP or Tren, at least for me.
That’s really interesting I wonder what it is about nor19 compounds that causes this to happen because if its not happening with MENT which is super anabolic also I wonder what it is I always just assumed water weight caused this to happen I guess its actually something else 🤔
Agreed. Ment does not put as much water weight on me as deca or even NPP. That said, the ment I have is from a banned sponsor, so hard to say whether it is underdosed.
True but I believe that it might possibly be a nor19 characteristic.

Not just an anabolic characteristic unless you believe that its just water retention? I can imagine this being true its what I always believed
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What is your dosing and how much test you taking? I know that when I hit over a gram total (test and other compounds) my breathing and cardio go to shit. Taking a lot of AAS will thicken blood, make life a little more labored. I know for sure that heavy doses will fuck with a lot of cardio and breathing.
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