Are they really out there…? Also, as you know ratio can tell something and other markers too. Also, think about taking all the pills of Liv52,etc and everything has to be filtered. That being said, Finding the offending substance or disorder and attacking this from that route. I am trying to say it is not always liver problem. These cover Heart and alt , breakdown of muscle. Off the top of my brain lets say its AAS and bbing lifestyle causing liver damage asnd all else is good. I hate doing that but lets just start there. No Heart damage, No sleep apnea, No slightly torn muscle, No hepatitis. No smoking, no heavy drinkling and not a horrible high fat diet. It gets more confusing because everyone on high protein high fat ,low carb will deny any fatty liver chances and thats wrong. Its not horrible but you someone on that kick and keto, fasting, and im not against those at certain times but your looking at first RESTING LIVER. Cut the bulking diet. protein and steroids . Also if you have been on any antibiotics, dexmethasone, prednisone(other steroids) it can cause high levels. If your Doc is concerned he will order an US of Liver. Then Diet and exercise…we exercise bu the diet should be low fat and lower protein. Even a gram per pound of LBM is probably fine, lean protein, feed your LBM. We dont feed fat anyway. So a break or lowering AAS intake and lowering Bodyfat basically. I always advocated cycling. Even if its 8 on 4 off. I never even felt "off " until 4 weeks or more. No HCG, No clomid, No nolvadex…I didnt do PCT. Not saying im right but when I did “everything” and had more money, better connections, etc…I never recovered properly. Like a total rest from the gym twice a year for a couple weeks or active rest. I would be off and training for the last 6 weeks after being on 12 weeks and training. then it was time to cycle again and I would frontload test or sustanon, and not train for 1-2 weeks. when i got back after a couple days warmup my strength and size would feel great. 1. Identify problem…AAS lowered or off, train faster not super intense, less protein and fat. Look for good combos of supplements,example tumeric and milk thistle together is supossed to be better than just milk thistle. Next is drugs that lower ALT/ggtp/AST but I highly doubht thats form you.