I think it’s great to try to test everything. After all these years and maybe some 20 plus year" vets" ( I hate that but I’ll go with it), I know what to expect from the basics and to some level if im lean, Masteron, anavar, winstrol, Primobolan. I would know if everything was half dosed or just test prop without testing. I’ve often said thank God I’ve probably used 35% phony shit, and underdosed over the course of 30 years. In the 80s, of course I was younger, maybe receptors fresh and I was a little nuts but I won USPf teen nats and I remember adding parabolan at 3 amps and 100mg test aques and syntex 2902’s anadrol to the anavar and cyp and deca. . all lifts went up 35-50 lbs and I was 223 to 230 dieting for 220. Anyway, same with bbing. I remember being 8 weeks out and switching to all “real European shit” including thiomucase inject and creme, both primobolans, finaject, durabolin(npp) methandriol diprop. 25mg test propionate’s daily and felt tiny with no pump… Probably all fake or just test. The only show I dropped out. I’m all for everyone testing every bottle especially going forward. It’s very weird that 10 2.5mg anavar felt incredible 30 years ago but real tested anavar at 50 to 100 mgs still doesn’t feel the same, maybe it’s too much? It’s gonna be fun because im kinda been forced to “start over” or at least I’ve been off from sept. 2019 until recently, just 300mg test every 7 days or so, and no training so to speak. I can’t wait to see the muscle memory, etc. I love primobolan so I will test that, but hopefully test, deca, etc is done right.