Cheat meal advise for type 2 on keto diet


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Hey guys. So I am a type 2 who is on the keto diet,very very little carbs all week, but once or twice a week I want my carbs

So on the days I want to cheat, how would, or would you Increase supplementation around the heavy carb meals

I usually have them in evening, about 100-250 grams, depending on meal about once,maybe twice a week. Always 50 grams protein and a mix of long and short carbs.

I have access to humalog - r, hgh, and basically any oral or injectable compound there is.

What would you do?

I typically would add about 60 iu of humalog for about 150 grams, that keeps my sugar at 90 for the rest of evening, buy I do wake up fasted high, about 160.

Would you take any extra orals? A-drol, d-drol, dbol, etc, pin with another injectable to increase the nutrient partitioning to muscle over fat?

I am interested in your expertise.
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@Jobie5 this is a beautiful question as i have a spot for insulin that most people wont discuss.

The answer to your question is very straight forward as type 2 we have to keep you stable but- i also want to shuttle as much nutriets to your muscle cells all while keeping a strong plasma level for your peaks while inducing humalog.

I will stand by this below as a protocol to help assist you but also get these most of of a cheat meal and humalog injection

60iu humalog
5iu of hgh
** 15 mins prior to food consumption

5grams of creatine monohydrate
5grams of glumatine
10grams of EAAS
Half gatorade/half water
**this is your beverage during cheat meal

50grams whey isolate
100grams of karbolyn
**dessert after food has settled.

There is no need for orals or any other compounds as your body is already functioning high and woukd discard anything you dont need through your urine.

All the best- the above you will love and feel the effects as you start this process.

Please stay safe as this is a very dangerous drug as you know being type 2.
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Well, it’s actually the insulin that stops ketosis. I eat way too much protein to care about my ketones, I am usually at .3-.4 where the absolute bottomed to be in nutritional is .5

However I do feel excellent almost all the time, and have cut a lot of fat

It’s just really hard to be full (meaning muscle fullness), I do enjoy the cheat meals, and I hope the insulin response is adding some good muscle and aiding in recovery… Or so I’d like to say to myself, but am hoping it does as well as get some goodies in.

Thank you so very much for the response

So just to be clear, I am adding another 100 grams of carbs after the at most 250, so 300 grams on 60 iu insulin?

If I check my glucose before bed and I am over 120, is that ok, or should I consider another bolus of insulin to regulate levels during sleep?
@Jobie5 add the whey/carb shake only if neded prior to bed. I think with just the simple beverage cocktail during your cheat and pairing hgh you will notice a big change.

If you are over 120 after the dessert shake i would regulate with 40iu of humalog to level you out. I dont waant you waking up while sleeping/recovering.
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Yes, my diet mainly consists of Ribeyes, eggs, bacon, sausage and cuts of pork… Occasional salad, bit I do so love my carbs, but my body will not use the insulin properly.

Was on a nice cycle but wasn’t gaining muscle just thickness, I couldn’t grow in my lifts or anything, then realized I was not using my insulin properly, if at all, once I went low carb, lost 20 pounds buy got on new cycle, gained 10 and my waist is thinner now than before.

Genetics suck!
I’m a huge fan of the KETO diet. I sometimes stay in ketosis for several weeks at a time. On my cheat weeks I normally eat more vegetable and milk carbs. This is also when I gain the most strength, power and muscle. Do this in conjunction with a cycle can be crazy and for me I have to be very careful I don’t cause and injury to myself. Endurance and raw power should rise on your cheat days and allow good muscle growth but be careful and know your bodies limits.
Now that you have brought this up
I thought that hgh and insulin are synergistic but you don’t take Them together ? The hgh first fasted pre workout insulin post workout? @Optumpharma would you say only post workout or several times a day to compensate for you diet
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@Outlawthing that is correct only when talking pre and post protocol.

Preworkout- 15mins prior to weight training hgh only at your iu of choice

Post workout- humalog only! Your iu of choice depending on carb to insulin ratio.

Again rule of thumb for beginners is 1iu to 10grams of carbs. Stay safe and please consult me if you have any questions. Never want to see someone hurt themselves!

Best my friend!
Thanks for explaining it’s not something that is routinely discussed almost taboo I can’t say that it’s worth the risk or not that is for an individual to decide lack of information and extreme doses have gave it a bad reputation
I would say this is an elbows and assjole thing… Everybody has an opinion

But I will say this, if you are not diabetic you should be very very careful with using insulin at all.

First, insulin don’t care, it’s a storage hormone. So be very very careful what carbs you use with it, and which proteins. Or else you will find, like with fructose or sucralose that is half fructose… It has no uptake into glycogen, only for energy, so for our purposes it’s a waste because it is not recognized by muscle tissue. So guess where the fructose or half your sugar goes? For energy, and if body doesn’t need insulin says let’s store it for later… Love handle city!

You can have a very excellent insulin spike on your own without insulin:

Maltodextrin, dextrose, fast acting whey, because it is super high in leucine, which is the amino that spikes insulin the greatest. I have tried leuciene to add into shakes, etc. Dude, like any plain bcaa or was, it tastes like crap!

Also if you use insulin you MUST check your glucose levels, and be very careful which insulin you use, some are quick acting… Some last all day.

Also, it doesn’t quite work this way for me, since my body doesn’t work right, but your absolute best insulin spike happens after carb deprivation, you pick how long, the longer the better insulin will shuttle, with right carbs, to your muscles… And incredible hulk here you come! Not saying to fast, but pick a day or two, eat the hell out of proteins, and if you want green veggies, then have an excellent meal planned that gets you the carbs you need and you will feel the insulin work…especially while using the juice.
That is a very good point that everyone who isn’t diabetic should understand. It can very easily lead you to being diabetic or worse dead also it isn’t the be all end all it’s a tool like all the rest we use it won’t make you flex Wheeler if it did we all would be
It is very synergistic with hgh and AAS but can also make you gain fat I u sweat and your use and manipulation you already have too I’m assuming your on Lantus or the new one they came out with that’s once a week then would maybe use Humalog R to spike post workout ?
Well, I’ve been very lucky… Since being diagnosed my a1c was 8.7, as soon as I saw that I switched back to keto, which I was on several years before.

That’s lowered my average glucose from 320 to 120 so the diet change really helped and I am not using any insulin at all… But on a cheat meal my glucose soars to 200-350 and stays there for ever.

@Optumpharma. So I had a cheat meal yesterday. About 200 grams of carbs and 50 protein. Actually had cinnamon honey toast and 2 scoops whey mixed protein for dinner…but I followed optima prescription and had the 2nd whey and carb, normally I wake up with glucose in the 160-180 range after cheat days, but following the prescription from Optimus prime as above I was 103 this am, which is lower than if I had no carbs at all

So I can attest to Optimus prime a wisdom as ledgit!