Cheat meal advise for type 2 on keto diet

is there a limit to how long you can use it Before the body normalization happens? maybe three days a week tops or is this something that can be used everyday as a post workout. The body loves homeostasis so I’m assuming the receptors saturate? Does exogenous insulin damage beta cell. In A practical use I figure it would give your body a break if you are consuming large amounts of food several times a day say professional body builder would it be the same for the average person
I will defer to @Optumpharma

However I know manyvery large guys who use the long acting because of their huge diet… The whole game is to attempt to aid the pancreas… Not stop it

Issue become if you help the body with too much insulin resistance or type two sets in because your cells say I already have insulin, carbs, etc, I don’t need anymore and so you don’t have anywhere for new carbs and nutrients to go… Not even fat stores, so all the reception of nutrients into cells say no to everything and you have to push more and more insulin to get it to go in…

I know of many who do hgh one day, insulin the next, off and on. Optimus call tell us how and why but hgh is notorious for causing insulin resistance whether using exogenous insulin or not.

I’ve heard of a great way to test hgh if you don’t have a kit etc, is test glucose, then take hgh, no food, 30 minutes later test again and if it’s legit the igf-1 acts like insulin and will drop glucose 10-20 points.

So I would say excess insulin is a huge no no for the regular guy, but the trick is to have it help the pancreas not get over worked, because that will lead to real type 1.5 diabetes, and your pancreas will just turn off.
I am running hgh right now and have watched my bloodsugar levels elevate into a higher range around 105 fasted but it stays consistent all day there I take the weekends off and are monitoring it with out hgh and have seen it at 90 and 80 respectively today so if tomorrow it’s the same as toflday then rises next week when I resume hgh then I can say it is
I found the same thing, although Optum changed my protocol to 2.5 am and 2.5 at lunch and that helped my fasted glucose.