Choosing the right AI/ anti-estrogen/ pct?


I know those is not a steroid cycle, but something we should all be using so I figured this was a good place for the topic & hopefully where it will get some attention. I’m hoping I can get as much knowledge out of everyone as I can about them. Like what are the options? When should you use or add another one? I’ve always heard arimidex being the best? Or maybe just most popular. It doesn’t do squat for me being extremely susceptible as far as relieving gyno tenderness, puffiness. It lowered my estrogen as bloods have shown but still I have itchy nips. So now I’m going to try aromasin. But that is the extent of my knowledge just knowing there’s another one to try. I’d like to be educated further. Like what’s the difference suicidal AI, non- suicide, what/when Letrozole, there’s nolvadex. & aromatase, wth is that I hear you can get it over the counter & it’s a anti-estrogen? Please gents I need to crack the case on the sides to start having sides (gyno) free cycles!
So to you I believe that if your susceptible to gyno for sure aromasin but you also have to be careful not to crash your estrogen because that would be bad.

Nolvadex ed is good but it doesn’t block estrogen or destroy estrogen it works by blocking the binding to stop gyno from setting in this is for certain unconventional methods.

Proviron is another you will hear about but it also helps stop estrogen binding but super charges your testosterone by making your body use more of it stopping most from ending up going through aromatase.

Arimidex is an estrogen blocker that can have rebounding estrogen effects best for long time use cruising.

Aromasin is a suicidal inhibitor for estrogen and it actually destroys the estrogen so only take as needed with blood work and at an as small as possible to upping the dosage until you are better you really don’t want to crash your estrogen.

Search the different names of the different compounds and you will get information off ugmuscle not Google. Great information stored here to get your research complete.

Good luck and good gains brother
Yes sir I use nolva daily, normally just 10mgs, when I run test over 600 I’ll take 20mgs. Also while just cruising I won’t use any.
Your going to have to do some of your own research we all love to help but alot of what your asking can be found with a search for a definition of a word or about proviron it has been covered at length you can actually search the site with the magnifying glass. It will search ugmuscle not Google so you should get good results
Think that’s everything I can find on it. Looks good too, promising like something I could add to a cycle for blocking estrogen.