Clenbuterol guidance

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Yeah I got some help on that one. My patients eyes were baseballs. I just said “my blood sugar must be low. Let me get some help and a snack”
Never tried clen it sounds appealing to me but I know even with ECA stack my muscles get super tight it’s very uncomfortable. All stims do this too me, not necessarily hydration issue just CNS stimulation and anxiety locks me up. But on the flip side of that it definitely does the trick killing you’re appetite and getting you sweating even during easy cardio. Curious how you like the clen I bet if you handle it wel you’ll have some great results.
Well tried 50mcg this morning. All seems normal. No jitters. Still wanted coffee but refrained. Going to start checking my temp to see if it’s coming up at all.
Yeah I was thinking of maybe getting a test. From a reputable sponsor so I’m not overly concerned with it being bunk. But might be best to check anyway
I tried using caffeine in pwo and did alright till I got in the 120 area then the caffiem just didn’t want Ben seem to do anything.
I’m fact I’ll starting 80 a day on Monday with hgh again hope to burn some fat befor m1t
Well it kicked in later in the day yesterday for me. No jitters, but felt like I had a fever all day and had a screaming headache. Don’t think it’s for me, didn’t dose this morning to see if it all goes away
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