Clomid as my anti estrogen


Well-known member
Just a quick question on preference for AI. I’m currently running sust and tren. Never taken an AI but am having some issues with the soldier on this run. Assuming right now, before blood work, that it is elevated estrogen level I ordered clomid and proviron. What are your thoughts?
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Clomid, as well as Nolvadex for that matter, is a SERM (look them up)

What you need is an aromatase inhibitor. Arimadex and Aromasin are the most commonly used and for good reason.

Also, I changed the name of your title because you also improperly used the term “ester.”

You sure you should be using gear?
For estrogen related issues I stick with aromasin ( suicide inhibitor ) you won’t get estrogen rebound effects. As for prolactin I use Prami but cabergoline is a good alternative as well. Clomid is used during PCT, it will not help during on cycle. As far as proviron that will help with free test levels and can help with estrogen related issues, but if you are estrogen prone then an AI will be needed and proviron won’t help alone.
Lol. Are you being funny? Basically you have an aromatase inhibitor and a suicide aromatase inhibitor.

IE: Arimadex vs Aromasin

Arimadex is basically walking around your system like a janitor just sweeping off receptors. This means the receptor is still alive and will bind again. Where the Aromasin being a suicide inhibitor is walking around talking crazy shit to receptors and making them kill themselves thereby reducing the amount of receptors the aromatase enzyme can bind to.
Aromasin brings down estrogen around 85% and doesn’t have a rebound meaning that estrogen levels won’t rise without aromatase process happening.

Arimidex I like how @Ironside put it as a janitor that walks around cleaning up the estrogen. That’s about right but when you come off of arimidex you have a chance of an estrogen increase.

You need to get blood work done its the only thing that will help now because you can’t just throw compounds at a problem when you don’t know what the problem really is.
Privatemedlabs and you can even go on Amazon and get a home test for just estrogen if you want.

If you need help to find a blood test or any questions about which blood test to get.
Hit me up @Bigmurph

Clomiphene/proviron are not going to help unless the proviron is spiked with cialis. That will only be a bandaid fix and you could start to have other issues.
It could even be progesterone related
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