Clomid on cycle (TRT)?

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Normally people use nolvadex and clomid but where you been on TRT for so long your probably going to need HCG as well and even with all that its still kind of iffy. Just my opinion
My testosterone results came back. 1 week ago my total T was 171. My free T was 2.17. Terrible but expected. I had started clomid for 2 weeks immediately after my last does of test. I then stopped after the two weeks after being told that clomid will not work with any amounts of exogenous testosterone remaining in my system.

Although I had been off clomid for a week before getting the bloodwork, I would have though it would have raised it some… but I dont think it did.

It has been a week since that test result. I have been on clomid 50mg a day since. I am upping it to 100mg daily.

I have lost a ton of water weight. My shirts are looser and I get zero erections throughout the day. I still wake up with morning wood however. My testicles have not increased in size. I am still just as strong though, lifting the same amount of weight throughout my sets.

I was hoping not to have to get hcg, but it looks like I may have to. Its expensive through the pharmacy. But I dont feel that the clomid is working.

Oh well, I have I asked my doc to schedule another lab for testosterone, FSH and LH. I guess that is really the only way to know the clomid is working. It just sucks in the meantime with LOW T.
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You might not be able to recover brother I wish you the best but your in a tough spot invitro is even more expensive.
If you can’t get your system to restart you might need something stronger than hcg or clomiphene which is HMG.

If you can take nolvadex I would also use it
Update. I upped my Clodid to 100mg a day. I am irritable as hell. My chest is tight like anxiety. I’m not sure if its the clomid or lack of testosterone but damn, its a 4 out of 10 on the pain scale. I notice ghosting at night with my vision. There is a trail of an image if I move my eyes. I’ve heard that was a side effect of clomid because its causing the pituitary to swell against the optic nerve.

I have blood work tomorrow for testosterone, LH and FSH. But that takes a week to come back. Ugh.
That’s a serious side effect of clomiphene you need to call your doctor and let him know that its messing with your vision it can become permanent
Just split your doses 50mg morning 50mg night it should help with the side effects.
If it doesn’t especially your vision stop using it after letting your doctor know brother
You know you better than me definitely go 50mg than listen to your body brother if it says to you something is bad your right to stop
Blood tests for LH and FSH came back.
FHS is 3.7
LH is 1.7

The FHS isn’t that bad is it? I know the LH is low. I’ve been taking clomid now for approximately 30 days with a 5 day break in between. My testosterone results haven’t come back yet.
1 week ago I had lab work done for Test. My level was at 185. Thats pretty much the same as the previous week. I just had another today. My test levels have been sub 200 for approximately 3 weeks. My testicles are firmer and a little larger than while on test and I know my FSH has bounced back a little. My LH was very low but not nonexistant as is it was on TRT. I know the clomid is having or is starting to work. To be honest, I don’t feel as if I have low T right now. I have no libido but my strength is still there. I still wake up with morning wood but hell, I did last week and the week prior when my test was at 171 and 185. I have lost approximately 10 lbs and can definitely tell I am putting on fat weight.
I really hope today’s lab comes back way higher… This has been a struggle and clomid sucks.
What’s up brother I got my labs back at 98 total testosterone I feel your pain.

Hopefully you can get your wife nice and pregnant and get back to TRT I believe that’s the goal.

Losing the weight sucks the most but I started taking advantage and cutting a little positive vibe for you I look forward to hearing what your labs are
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