SB Labs

Closing Out 2018 - No Excuses


Well-known member
Have you ever met the athlete, man or women, who is relentless in what they do and how they do it? They never deviate. The never flounder. They never make excuses.

These individuals are not so different than anyone else except for one very special attribute - The own their performance. What I mean by that is that the don’t leave their fate in the hands of any other person or any supplement. They take sole responsibility for their performance and do not make excuses.

If you desire to be one of these people here are several tips that might work for you-
  1. When life gets hard, work harder
  2. Push yourself to a level that you are uncomfortable at
  3. Change your attitude
  4. Show appreciation
  5. Build yourself up- NEVER tear others down
  6. Get mentally tough- weak mind, weak body
  7. Do not look for a quick fix- being lazy means being weak
  8. Quit talking and start doing- Talk is cheap
  9. Blame nothing or no one- Own it.
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@SemperFi are you buffering me up lol. This is how I live my life very detailed oriented very goal and very schedule driven. When you compete you truly have to have a different mind set. I travel for a living and I always prep my food for the week and the people I work with are amazed at how I never deviate from my plan. It’s everyday life for me I wouldn’t know how to function without it
There are specific personality and character traits that are common in individuals who achieve success. And these are the same reasons that @PHD, @MBTJR1980, @rnmuscle, @Fitraver etc. look the way they did or do. I saw fit’s pics before editing and he looked great~!

What I want to express is that if we have the desire to be successful in our physique goals than we need to begin adopting the traits of successful individuals. We spend so much energy copying diet, routine, steroid use, etc. while overlooking copying the mindset.

2019 is the year of ‘No Excuses’ at UGM. Either you want it or you don’t. Either way… Make No Excuses… Own it… Be accountable to yourself.
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I absolutely agree. It’s he only way of life I know anymore and one youust have to see success. Thanks for the kind words.
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We each get to measure our level of success @Fitraver but from my perspective you are an individual who “Owns It” and offers “No Excuses” for not having it. 😉 Great work!
Thanks for the kind words brother i think you can be included in that list of names as well. You look damn good!! Hopefully this is the year for a lot of our people here at UGM to obtain their personal fitness goals. Each day do everything you can to push 1 step closer to the goal. Your mind is the strongest muscle you possess!!