Coming off cycle and fertility


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I’ve been doing research on this subject for a bit but would like a direct opinion or two. I’m gonna be coming off cycle and going back on my trt in march. I’ve been on trt for 3 years. I had low fertility and low t. I was put on clomid and after my wife conceived he switched me to test at 120 per week by my doctor. He told me when I was ready to have another kid let him know and he would switch me straight from my weekly test to clomid. I feel like this wont do the job. I’ve looked into hcg and its 185 a month with insurance. However I’ve been looking at some sponsors on here and I’ve noticed it’s much cheaper. Then I’ve been looking into proviron. My plan at the moment is after my dr. Visit in june to continue on my trt at 120 weekly but add HCG at 500 IU twice a week and add 50 mg proviron as well. From the research I’ve done this seems like a pretty good mix and my best chance at fertility. Any opinions? I’ve been reading on this for weeks and it seems like a common mixture. Also curious if I stay on the test while doing this?
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You need to come off test completely and clomid and nolvadex should do the trick. I was shut down for years and never really “off cycle”. Just clomid and nolvadex worked within 3 months. Proviron added later.
Everyone is different, and one protocol that worked for someone might not work for you.

Some people can stay on low trt doses and take HCG and clomid, this is what most trt patients do. It may take a few weeks and it may take months to work. But for some it’s better than feeling shitty with low T. I mean if you’re trying to conceive through sex you probably don’t want to have low t and have no drive.

Others come completely off and take clomid and HCG to recover.

I would work with your doctor and see. He seems like he is willing to help unlike some docs who are either ignorant on recovery from aas use or just won’t help you because of it. Stay patient and work with your doctor.

But damn, what country are you in where HCG is 185 with insurance? It’s about 40-45$ for a box of 1500 iu from organon without insurance where I’m at.
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I was on a high test and tren cycle when my son was conceived. Dr said I had a low count, I jumped on HCG 250iu ed for 2 weeks and boom. Now he is 2 and drives me crazy. You only need one swimmer to reach its destination :swimming_man:
He is a good doc. I looked up hcg cost and figured at 250iu 3 times a week it would run about 185 a month with the clomid. That’s a bit of a rough estimate of course
I hope it’s that easy for me! It took 6 months of clomid before I ever ran test to get one home. Id be super excited to only be off my normal trt schedule for a short time .
My wife and I are going to try for #2 when we return from our cruise in 2 weeks. I’m Going to be on Deca and high test but add in 250iu HCG eod. I will keep you posted on how it works for. Also, if you are religious peraon like I am, remember god is in control and just pray about it, if not I’ll pray for you.
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Im gonna run hcg 500iu 3x a week. Ill run it with my trt at 120 a week. I usually dont run an ai with my test dose. Would the hcg added in be enough to require one? Just trying to get everything lined up before i order. Thanks in advance guys!
Thats awesome man! I ordered hcg and proviron. Im gonna do hcg x3 weekly and proviron 25mg a day. Im gonna run it with my test dose of 120mg a week. Ill be keeping adex on hand in case i need an ai but with the proviron i shouldnt need it. I dont ever really need an ai unless im running high test. Im gonna try it a couple months and see what happens!
Ok guys I mixed my first vial of hcg for tomorrow morning. 5000iu in 5ml of bac water into a sterile amber container. I’m going with .4 (400iu) M/W/F and my trt at 200mg every Wednesday. The articles for Hcg on fertility are all over the place but 1000 iu a week seems to be a popular choice among some mds. I’m taking 25 mg of proviron every morning and I’ll be taking .5 adex the day after my testosterone injection. (Its always worked good for me that way) Wish me luck and if anyone has any suggestions let me know. I’ll be seeing my urologist in june (bloodwork soon before that) and hopefully I’ll have a pregnant wife by then!