Cruise / PCT depression?


Well-known member
Well fellas I’m getting ready to start a 6 week cruise of 200 test Cyp a week and 4iu gh daily. And to be honest im feeling a little depressed about the situation. How do you guys cope with this, train , eat during cruise. I know it’s only 6 weeks so I was thinking of doing a deload phase ,basically lighter weights higher reps and incorporate more cardio. I want to get as lean as possible in these 6 weeks before I go on an all out mega bulk my off season stack will look like this
900 Test E
600 Deca
400 Tren E
Kick start w/ 100mg dbol
8iu GH
15-20 iu slin
Also debating on adding 50mg proviron ED
** This is advanced cycle and for research purposes only please do not attempt**
Anyways any feedback is appreciated about my upcoming cruise. Thanks UGM
Man I don’t cruise I still do pct, but I know where your coming from shit sucks. I tend to train lighter just because I don’t have all the shit stimulating me. Plus by training lighter I feel I can train just as hard. If bulking isn’t your concern than rep that shit out. I plan to try gh this pct to give something. Going cold Turkey is really depressing. I’ll probably be cruising eventually, but plan to rebound as much as I can while I can. Been also doing research into sarms may try them too.
Do you like running tren and deca together? Is there more sides? Or this a test run?
I’ve ran Tren Decca before, it’s a really nice combo in my opinion especially to put on some serious weight, last season I tried just Tren to bulk but just couldn’t consume enough calories to really pack on quality slabs of meat.
I find myself training heavy on cycle and when I cruise I do volume training. This keeps me focused and not so much on the numbers lost. It works well in keeping most of my size and strength too. If you have a good plan it will keep you occupied and focused. Plus 6 weeks ain’t nothin. You be all ready to go before you know it!!!
Raphael3636 said:
Kick start w/ 100mg dbol
Everything looks good for a Veteran like you not a beginner. I just saw the 100mg dose of dbol and I will be honest from someone who has run a ton of dbol if you need 100mgs to get top results you need a new dbol src lol
The March blue hearts and British dispensary that I used to take would probably kill you at that dose it would definitely give you nose bleeds and your BP would be at extremely dangerous levels.

I know that you have alot of experience so im not really worried you know how to adjust but damn brother 100mg!! Are you going to PWO or split through the day? That makes a difference and 50mg 2x a day is still crazy high but 100mg pwo 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 lol

I would definitely add the proviron or even mast e in there somewhere. Lol
All that decca and testosterone plus dbol you’re probably going to be using aromasin or letrozole?
Adding anything to help prevent aromatase would be a great addition
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Yea absolutely there will be all ai and caber included and nolva daily. See the problem with the blue hearts I got once I got burned because they are counterfeit all the time. I was planning 75 pre workout and 25 later in the day. Just to keep bloods somewhat stable. Mostly with all orals I’ll do once but at higher doses I like to split. So you think adding mast e would benefit even with proviron in the mix? I’m really gonna go all out on this bulk. My goal is to hit 250lbs. With a calorie intake of somewhere in the range of 6k-8k a day. I’ve done some pretty wild bulks in my time, so as the time goes I will adjust accordingly. Hell if I get quality dbol I can stick with 50mg, but like I said brother we’ll see. I’m gonna do a log for this bulk so we can all learn from this. Planning to start end of November and prolly run it for 16 weeks or so, all depends on bloods and how I feel
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I’d like to also add I’m currently putting a routine together, really wanna get my legs up, so if anyone has some good routines holla at me. I’m debating on doing the Meadows programs, idk yet though still unsure
This is going to be great I look forward to reading about how this plays out that’s a big boy cycle right there your going to gain big if you really hit 6-8k a day.
That’s the problem you can’t get March anymore really its all body research now atleast for blue hearts.
Im sure that you will be able to get some solid orals for this time around brother.
With proviron and mast I wouldn’t use both together they do different things and are different compounds but one or the other I think is the way to go I think that proviron is the way to go for that cycle.
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I have seen that alot of people are doing Meadow’s programs. He has really become a top coach. They look like there working well with everyone. Someone just said that they were running a Meadow’s program I believe that it was almighty or woodwalker.