So not going to sugar coat anything as I hardly ever do. But current job search has gone much worse than expected and is taking its toll more on my mental health than being single has. It’s getting to where I’m about to start applying to jobs that are $10+ dollars less an hour than my last job. It really makes me feel like shit. It’s not even the need for the money it’s knowing my value and not even getting any responses from applications. I’ve had two interviews with the last one Tuesday for a job that was way below my capabilities. They even showed me how easy the work was in th floor that I would be doing. Today they reposted that job so it’s not like they found a better candidate they just felt I along with the others was not good enough. I can’t push it in the gym to at least have something to look forward to. If not for the many friends I have made that make this world worth being in and the hope that I may find love again it would be real easy for me to call it a day right now