SB Labs

Dealing with an off the wall schedule

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So with all the sons doctors appointments and radiation therapy and such plus being switched to thirds and having to work 10 to 12 hours per night my ability to get to the gym has dwindled to one or two times per week. Am I losing gains yes!!! What can I do to bettter myself in this situation?

I have decided to mostly focus on my health. I have been eating cleaner and quitting all types of nicotine. Now I will tell you the first 9 days so far of being nicotine free has made eating clean quite hard. I have definitely been munching but keep it at a minimum. I have been able to maintain my weight. 232. No more no less. Once the munchies go away I should be able to cut weight. I do have some Helios on hand to use when I go into caloric deficit.

I have gotten my BP down to 127/71 from 150s over 90s. Between changes in lifestyle and telemastartin.

Resting heart rate in morning is 77. After coffee and asthma meds can be as high as 100.

Going to try and use little blips of time to get in some high paced cardio three to four times a week.

As the schedule allows I will find more and more time to go to gym.

So in all this I have learned I may not have the time I need to dedicate to gym what I want but it doesn’t mean there are not other things I can work on to get healthier. Let’s face it these compounds we take affect our heart and health so we need to be as healthy as possible if we decide to follow this lifestyle.

Cannot have our cake and eat it too!!!

To be continued
Nicotine releases some glucose when it hits the bloodstream which is what makes you think you’re hungry without it.

Plyometrics at home when you have 30 min will keep you lean. Life happens. Personally I would use this time to just stay on trt. No Helios. No extra gear. Crack down on that diet. Pack your meals when you go to radiation etc.

Get steps in as much as possible.

I think you’re doing right by focusing on health. The muscle will come back. Sometimes life has more important roads to walk down than just focusing on gains.

You will be tempted to overdo it in the gym when you find time to go. Do moderate full body workouts on your two days and don’t go nuts and exhaust yourself. Between stress of work and your son and jacked up schedule your cortisol is probably high.

Train smarter not harder.
Life has thrown you a shit samdwich. Since your not training for competing just stick to your trt protocol abs get in sessions when you can. Work and your family is more important than losing some muscle. Also when things normalize you will be able
To get it all back and it will feel
Good to get gainz agai
Agree with @NeuroRN

Forget about “gains”. I really dislike that word/phrase anyways. Focus on your boy and being there for your family.

Calisthenics at the house. Push-ups etc. 15-20 minutes of calisthenics will keep you in shape.
Control what you can brother.

Your son’s condition and work have to be done and pretty much are out of your control.

Get in a little exercise when you can… take your trt as prescribed.

Continue mission
Is there any way you can slip push-ups/dips/pull-ups into your work day? All three are generally underrated in their effectiveness. I’ve seen guys get really big just doing that trio in their free time.
I would have to invest in something for the pull-ups and dips. Can’t imagine I couldn’t find something used on Facebook or what not
NeuroRN said:
finding a way to reduce stress as much as possible
Going to put you in the box to get your mind right…. One of the greatest movies ever!
Last edited:
Love that movie.

Bp is higher today. But no telemestartin need to get refil.

Pulse is nice and low.

It’s cool to be big, strong and swole…. All this shit we put in our bodies does not belong there at the levels we bring them to, it’s not healthy, it’s addictive, it puts more stress on our body and causes us to put more stress on our body lifting weight we probably shouldn’t just cause we can. I think you can live the lifestyle and use in moderation to get where you want to be and avoid hypertension any many other things we encounter.

If you have family and mainly kids your health and your time on this fucked up planet is important to them. They need you more than you need to be big. Eat healthy, and gym when you can. If you don’t have your health, you will soon not have anything.

Things will work out because you make it happen. It’s what is men do….

Prayers to you and your family.
Todays BP and standing heart rate.

Fairly happy with this. Nicotine free 10 days now. No telemestartin for two days. I will continue on it but first I need to get in and get refill.

From what I’ve read my BP and heart rate will continue to get better from not using nicotine for three months. Probably just at a slower rate. But all in all my heart rate has dropped by 32 two days in a row now and BP getting better Ed. Am happy with this.

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