Deca + Test cycle what do you think?


Active member
Hi brothers!
What do you think about this?

3390 kcal
195gr prot
78gr Fat

32 years old
5 days excercise

For bulking

400mg super gold (150cyp,150E,100P x ML)
1/2ml monday (200mg) 75CYP+75E+50P
1/2ml wednesday(200mg) 75CYP+75E+50P
1/2ml friday (200mg) 75CYP+75E+50P

300mg Deca
1/2 ML(150mg) monday
1/2ml (150mg) friday

Thanks 🙏
It looks good brother the only thing that I would try is to increase your protein and if you can get proviron an aromatase inhibitor like arimidex or exemestane and dostinex or caber.
You need these extras plus a solid post cycle therapy with clomiphene and nolvadex.

With just the testosterone and nandrolone you are going to have side effects that can leave you with women’s breasts and even impotence.Parece bueno hermano, lo único que intentaría es aumentar su proteína y, si puede obtener proviron, un inhibidor de aromatasa como arimidex o exemestano y dostinex o caber. Necesita estos extras más una terapia post ciclo sólida con clomifeno y nolvadex. Con solo la testosterona y la nandrolona, tendrá efectos secundarios que pueden dejarle los senos de las mujeres e incluso la impotencia.

Traté de escribir en español para ti, pero es difícil para mí porque mi español no es tan bueno.
I’ve been working with him I figured out how to translate with a click of a button so we have been making more progress. His English is good just about as good as my Spanish lol so I’ve been trying to help him out try translate keyboard and it will give it to him in Spanish.
thanks my english is bad hehehe but i can read 90%

BF 12-15%

i have tamox ?
can i use?

or only arimidex?

caber what dosage?

is basic why the pandemic times 😦

that cyclye is not for me its for a cousin

I am cleaning my body 3 months

thanks so much!
Yes tamox is nolvadex for pct you need clomiphene also you should definitely still get caber .25mg just a couple 4-8 tabs and arimidex

Its a strong cycle he will get very big if he worksout hard and eats right lots of protein and the amount of carbs you plan.
Eat rice and chicken all day every day and you will definitely grow but alot of chicken