SB Labs

December 16 edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good afternoon all.Slept in again,they keep knocking on my door checking on me it makes me angry,can’t just get a few hours of sleep or just sitting in here appreciating the silence but nope.Anyfuckinways, breakfast was skipped,protein shake and a banana was it.barely made it to gym before it closed I did traps for like 15 mins then they made me leave,just got back to my room,stare at the wall for a bit then go to the kitchen and figure out something to tired of fuckin talking to people.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Samo grub.

Pulled quick n dirty earlier

Piddling around here on my off day
Work has been busy today and its messed up my eating routine. So I ate my breakfast and lunch at the same time. Now I’m bloated and regretting my decision lol. 2 English muffins, oatmeal, raisens. Peanut butter, pasta with chicken sausage and sauce. I’ll be training back if I ever regain my ambition.
Pancakes, eggs, bagel.

Steak rice, oj

Protein shake pop tart.

Steak and rice x 2 at work

Another bagel and protein shake in the mix.
I just ate sleeve of Oreos now to wait an hour inject my growth and go night night so I can be fresh and not have bags under my eyes at the meet tomorrow haha
I found it at an Aldi’s a couple years back. I was shocked at how delicious they were for how little fat content they had. My favorite was the apple ones. Had big chucks of apple in the sausage…
Damn now I’m hungry
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