Dihydroboldenone, analyzing the base form and cyp ester


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Also nicknamed DHB, dihydroboldenone as become popular the last 5 or 6 years, was marketed 10 years ago as a prohormone in capsule form OTC, was quickly banned, as LE and FDA figured out it was just a tweeked version of EQ, now it was banned as substance and any form cap or oil, now the capsule form of DHB came in 25mg cap, problem is they where very toxic and of that 25mg you absorb 4-6mg after liver passage depending on metabolism and rate of absorption wich is very low in capsule form, regarding the injectable form i remember tryng it the first time in 2012 came in 10ml, dihydroboldenone cypionate 200mg per ml, well was ready for an horrandous pip, but at first ml done next couple of days were fine, same pip as taking a shot of test prop, good thing was that it was in MCT oil, in 2012 sources had just started putting medium chain triglycerides as carrier, so i started my cycle with DHB cyp at 400mg for 9 weeks, can easily say it was the best i ever looked, it reallt his a mix begween primo and trenbolone look, dry, vascular, full, hungry as fuck (tren would kill my appetite), all lifts went up, in those 9 weeks i went up 6-7 pounds of lean tissue, that for an ectomorph body looks more like 10 or 11 pounds. The source is not producing DHB animore , ive found a new one i trust that does DHB cyp 100mg per ml, in MCT oil, injections are painless, now i dont compete animore but DHB will be one of those compounds ill never cycle without, for example ive never left out of a cycle testosterone and proviron these 2 are always in my cycle, but from when i tried DHB i never went back, and you only need 400-500 mg a week to see very good results, on side note about side effects i would take aspris to thin blood or donate, cause DHB is going to sky rocket youre RBC (red blood count cell) like EQ been same fam, you will need to check this out, as you going to feel like shit once youre blood as the consistency of mud. In my opinion DHB is way stonger than EQ more androgens and more anabolic, ratio wise.
For last i have the DHB base, now this compund as been out for a year or so, exact same hormone dihydroboldenone but no ester, meaning it will be in youre blood stream within 25-50 min depending on body and metabolism, as its base its best to be used pre workout, ive been using 50mg IM in the glutes 45 min prior to workout, focus and power in the gym are obvious but im curious if i did a mix of 50mg test base and 50mg DHB base, will be back to report, but 50mg pre work out, gave me a killer focus more test, but not quite as agressive at test base. Forgot to remind but DHB base comes in 50mg per ml, 10ml vial, to conclude dihydroboldenone if top 5 best coumponds on the market today.

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I like that, thank you for sharing I could get use to some dhb base with tne
Defenetly a good combo!!! Tried also nadro base and tren base, will get to them in the next days, but these are by far my favorite, tren base gave me like an heart arrhythmia and palpitation, nandro base was good, but feel dhb base and tne are the bomb.
Merhtyltrenbolone ill stay away from, the fact that it comes in mcg says it all, much more potent that tren base, also toxixity wise they both fuck you up but methyl tren is just plain bad, its like tren on steroids lol, new a guy that actually had liver problems to start dont remember if 2 or 3 weeks in methyltren got sick went to the doc and was diagnosed with jaudice, was turning kinda yellow and stopped right away told doc what he was taking and sent him to an endocrinologist, i moved didnt see him since, tren base, will get in the sistem right away not as harsh but still get a rush like tren, big sweats, palpitation, aggressive toward everyone good for the gym, not that good for social life, i stopped using tren altogether seen to many things, high blood pressure, nose bleeds, 1 guy i know got jaudice, sweating, nightmares, social life, much better compunds around in m th opinion.
Yeah sounds about right I temporarily played with mtren and it didn’t work out well, but haven’t tried tren base and I was wondering what the differences really were between the two
Thanks for clearing the difference up in the sense that you said it’s not as potent as mtren now I wanna give tren base a shot
Youll probably like it more, methyltren not compound for humans, brilliant for cattle, tren base will give you agresivness and mad endurance, but cant deal with head aches and bleeding, f that, try the base it might be good for you, as you know all are chemical compositions are different so nobody reacts the same. Might be similar but never the same, i went through one bottle of tren base. power and focus was intense, didnt enjoy the headaches and the sweating.
I use nandrolone base I have some and I just ordered more.
Its great I would like to get tne, nandro base as s blend but my nandro base is pharma grade
This was done great info. I actually just ordered 5 bottles of it. This will be my first cycle adding dhb. Going to run it at 500 mg ew, test e at 1250 ew, and tne at 400-500 ew. I trt at 500 so i tend to run higher doses of test then most. Always been very curious about this compound and found a good source for it. I’ve decided it’s time lol. Thanks for the info. Gave me some great insight for this upcoming cycle.