Did hammer wide chest today. Then Jm press then got into text argument with dad about my depression so left gym angry wanting to just
Pack up and leave it worse so fuck today will have to hit it again tomorrow and try and figure a way to get back to cinci where I feel like people actually care
Due to depression and eating and thanksgiving Bering next Thursday I’ll be doing a week break from cut and just try and stay at maintenance calories hope
To not jump above 264 then back for the final 5 week stretch. Probably even add in 20 minutes of cardio everyday to get these pounds to fly off
I really
Need to start doing cardio. I just fucking hate it so much. I wish I was like @John. But not blessed that way. Thanks for the reminder @Dirtnasty
I don’t mind cardio once I get back into it was doing an hour on elliptical everyday after workout befor covid. Actually felt enwrgized after it. Cardarine wasy friend then. Just gmcoupd go all day
Back at gym for two days in row still feel
Down as shit. I May have to use my time off to just
Lay in sun and see if that helps. Having quick dinner with exworker friends tonight before work hopefully that helps some. I think I’m really just need this baby to pop out and officially be told
It’s mine or not for me to move on
I could just move on and forget about it but that’s not in my make up. She would rather me move on but if some is my blood I want to be a part of the kids life
260 while not trying to cut this week. I’ve I’m not too tired after buckeye game it’s leg day. May move to tomorrow though this 4 hours of sleep is rough
Well wrong game
To watch with that combo so I left for gym the one squat rack is being used by dude ohp 55 pounds fucking going to deadlift instead I guess will squat Tuesday
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