Does Proviron affect blood work?

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I do but that is about when all my health problems started falling on my head.

Don’t get me wrong brother if you’re looking for self trt no doubt but my reccomendation moving forward is going to be pct or doctor supervised trt.

I can’t say that self trt is good because I fucked myself up bad.

You though know what’s best for you and im not going to tell you not to you know that if you have questions were here to help.
Taper down the enanthate while increasing the propionate over 14 days to your dosage you are looking to run
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I always got labs also brother I knew exactly where I was at and so on but blood work doesn’t show everything happening inside your body.

Just listen to your body that was my mistake I ignored it for to long.
Not running over 500 again this year. But will probably go back to g plus in. Future depending goals for just strength gains I fdint think the higher test will do as much but leverage other compounds in cycles
The thing is high test meaning a gram by itself is ok at your level but adding others compounds on top causes choas lol
I don’t believe that a gram of test is needed anymore with the compounds available nowadays
Maybe high EQ but I wouldn’t run more than 750mg I believe soon enough though your going to be at gram level your receptors are going to start to need more
I o ran 1200 with the deca haha and was going to to do 1000 500 600 tmt
I won’t discuss it right now because I don’t know yet doctors still doing there thing once I find out it will be in my log. Im pretty open about everything so it doesn’t bother me letting ugmuscle know what’s happening
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