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Dr told to put Corona Virus on death certificate even if person didn't test positive for it

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Really interesting to hear and now you know why Democrats are heavily pushing for Vote by mail this year.

Today Sanders dropped out and it’ll be Trump vs the pedophile Biden. Sanders admitted Obama talked to him and told him to drop out of the race. They have zero chance of winning without voter fraud.


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Just announced today. But interestingly enough he’s holding on to his delegates till the Democrat conference.
I believe that would hurt his campaign and make it that much harder everyone hates Hillary. I don’t really know why not that im fond of her but she is really not liked.
No one really likes Biden. They paid people to attend his rallies and still got 30 people at that. Sanders pulled way more numbers. But the establishment loves Biden cause they can control him. He’s already showing signs of Dementia which makes it even worse. That’s what they assume he’ll drop out after election and let Hillary take over as President.
That would be crazy and I would be pissed im happy with trump I don’t believe that we need to change at all the man might not be the best person but he is the best person for the job.
Hillary will be VP. If they win. One of 2 things will happen. Biden will be article 25 because he’s got Alzheimer’s. And Hillary will become P or Joe will be suicided…Hillary becomes P
Trump was trolling the Media at the conference today lol. Even Barr can’t help from laughing.
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I’m tired of Republicans and Democrats, I wish they would both go away, this two party system is just more of the same.
Hell, if they took someone off an assembly line, threw a campaign behind them, that’s who I’d vote for. Just to watch everyone squirm. Nothing ever changes, no matter who wins, government is controlled by corporate money.
I still wish Ross Perot would have won, I liked his graphs.
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